Wednesday, February 13, 2013

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SPD patrols net nearly two dozen arrests at Gemini parade

Shreveport, La -

As the 24th annual Krewe of Gemini parade rolled through the streets of Shreveport, Police were out in droves to ensure the event went smoothly.

The Shreveport Police Department dispersed more than 200 officers along the parade route to keep the peace.

Sergeant Bill Goodin says the added presence netted a good amount of arrests.

"We made about 21 arrests and most of those are going to be for misdemeanor offenses, things that we normally see, public intoxication, disturbing the peace by fighting," said Goodin.

Most of the arrests took place in the Shreve City area, where 16 arrests alone were made.

The department worked alone on this years event.? In previous years, they've worked with the Caddo Sheriff's Office in patrolling the crowds.

Goodin says the department's police force is bigger than ever and can adequately handle situations if they get out of hand.

"We've got an allocated strength of about 580 officers that's up from an allocated strength of about 437 twenty years ago," said Goodin.

While the Shreveport Police Department made nearly two dozen arrests during the Gemini Parade, they did not have to make any during Sunday's Krewe of Highland Parade.


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Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Few Answers on How to Effectively Help Children Cope with Trauma

In the aftermath of traumatic events such as the Newtown massacre, Superstorm Sandy and Hurricane Katrina, children need to heal, just as adults do. But in turning to research to find out what approaches work best for young people, one finds little guidance, according to a research review published February 11 in Pediatrics. The study focused on non-interpersonal trauma, such as natural disasters, terrorism and community violence, and excluded sexual abuse and domestic violence. A total of 22 trials meeting the criteria provided evidence on interventions for children exposed to trauma. The criteria required studies to have low or medium risk of bias, to compare at least two groups of children and to measure at least one outcome related to post traumatic stress symptoms that children may experience after such events, such as depression, anxiety attacks, psychosomatic symptoms (headaches, stomachaches, general pains), poor grades, nightmares and similar symptoms. Among the 20 treatments included in those trials were various psychotherapies focusing on trauma or grief, school-based programs, group therapy and three medication trials: imipramine (Tofranil) , fluoxetine (Prozac) and sertraline (Zoloft).The results are sobering: researchers don't know if any medications help, don't know if anything works long-term, and don't know much about possible harms from interventions. "I thought we were going to find a lot of studies on different interventions and make clinical recommendations," says Valerie Forman-Hoffman, the study's lead researcher and a psychiatric epidemiologist for RTI International in Research Triangle Park, N.C. Many of the excluded studies failed to include comparison groups, which are important since children may recover without treatment, she added. "It's depressing. The evidence base is just lacking." Many children do heal on their own from one-off events, especially with good support systems. Yet, about 30 percent will continue to experience nightmares, anxiety attacks, stomachaches and other post traumatic stress symptoms more than a month later, according to the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. Past research has also shown children can develop PTSD symptoms simply in response to watching news coverage of traumatic events. A variety of treatment approaches showed some evidence for effectiveness, but not enough studies compared approaches or replicated other results. "That's not saying that no treatment works," Forman-Hoffman says, "but based on the evidence, we don't know what works." What we do know One reason for the limited findings may be the review's exclusion of studies about relational trauma, such as sexual abuse or domestic violence. A companion review awaiting publication did review that evidence, but separating the two types of trauma may have made it harder to see a big picture. "Had they looked at all of the research done on trauma exposure for kids, you would have seen replications for some of the intervention models," says Todd Sosna, the senior vice president in charge of program evaluation at the Children's Institute, Inc. in Los Angeles. "The research does give some directions for treatments that can be helpful, and they tend to be the ones that are cognitive behavioral and involve trauma narratives." With Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT), clinicians spend 12 to 18 weeks with a child and parent to help them understand the effects of trauma, how to cope and how to retrain their thoughts and behavior responses. TF-CBT also uses trauma narratives, stories children tell about an event while reprocessing it in a healthy way. Put another way, it's telling the story while getting back on the horse. This study and another recent review both found some evidence for reduced symptoms with TF-CBT, but the studies were small and short-term. TF-CBT studies also often involve only children who were sexually abused, providing less specific guidance regarding survivors of a school shooting or hurricane. Excluding studies involving abuse also leaves out the most common trauma children experience, though, so the new findings were unsurprising, says Ryan Herringa, at University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health. "There's clearly a great need for research," he says. "It's just really difficult to do." Barriers to research The biggest research obstacle is the population itself. Researchers need to get involved with children early after an event. Without knowing what will happen or when, arriving in time to enroll children in trials can be tough, not to mention lag times in getting ethics approval. "Ideally, you would have some sort of rapid response team that would fly into a tragedy and begin enrolling people in a study on the spot," Herringa says. "Then, ethically, is it appropriate to be approaching someone for research just as they're trying to cope?" Forman-Hoffman says lack of funding and the sensitivity of working with traumatized children may also be limiting research. "As a researcher, I wouldn't want to go running to Sandy Hook and say, 'Can I study your kid and see if this works?'?to add to what they're already going through and without knowing if any of these treatments could potentially be harmful," she says. In fact, some PTSD therapies have shown harms in adults recovering from sexual abuse, such as retraumatization, but only five studies in this review even looked for harms. No harms were found in two psychotherapy trials, but among the three medication trials, none showed benefit and one showed possible harm. The placebo group in the sertraline study showed more improvement in quality of life measures than those receiving the medication showed, and those taking sertraline experienced side effects from the medication and more suicidal thoughts. Katey Smith, ?the coordinator of the Trauma Response Team at Family Centers in Fairfield County, Conn., worked with Newtown families right after the shooting. She is not involved in ongoing interventions in Newtown, but she uses TF-CBT in her own practice?without having much information about long-term effectiveness. "We have to follow these kids over time to know if this model is working," she says, since research shows that experiencing trauma before age 18 can increase adults' risk of depression, suicide and other problems. It is also difficult to control for differences between children that may influence recovery. "We're talking about human beings here, and there's so much variability between subjects," Smith says. Future research A growing body of research points to the importance of "protective factors" in helping children cope with trauma and develop resilience. Protective factors include how engaged children are with their communities, schools and faith, how well they regulate their emotions, what their support systems are and how attached they are to a caregiver. Sosna says protective factors are part of a multi-faceted solution to treatment. "We think research will advance, and we think therapy will be part of a larger solution to helping kids recover from trauma," he says. Another approach entirely is to view these children's experiences through the lens of loss and grief, says Robert Lucia, a pediatric counseling specialist at Children's Hospital of Illinois. Both Lucia and the study authors pointed out that discussing PTSD in children is controversial since children may not show the full constellation of symptoms that garner a diagnosis. "I would challenge researchers and clinicians to switch the lens," says Lucia, who treats children coping with death. "You need to treat the grief too, and there is no pathology to grief. Everyone does it differently. Look at the impact of the loss that traumatic event has on the child," he says, whether it's loss of home, community, friends or a way of life. The authors said their findings should serve as a call to action. "We hear so much about gun control and mental health coverage following Newtown, and those are important in terms of prevention, but there's no easy solution," says Forman-Hoffman. "These kinds of traumas and natural disasters are going to keep happening, so we really do need to turn attention to determining what works best for these kids." Follow Scientific American on Twitter @SciAm and @SciamBlogs. Visit for the latest in science, health and technology news.
? 2013 All rights reserved.


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Barclays CEO set to cut jobs, costs in overhaul plan

[unable to retrieve full-text content]

Source: --- Monday, February 11, 2013
Barclays' new boss is expected to shrink his investment banking and European operations and stop activities that could damage the troubled British bank's reputation as part of a revival plan to be unveiled on Tuesday. ...

Source: http://www.ibtimes.comhttp:0//

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Sunday, February 10, 2013

COMEX 2013 investigates how social networking stands to change ...

In today's world people are constantly connected and moving from one device to another to communicate, shop and stay entertained. Last year 73% of Fortune 500 companies were active on Twitter, while more than 80% of executives believe social media engagement leads to increased sales. Oman's leading IT, Telecom & Technology Exhibition, taking place from 25 - 29 March at the Oman International Exhibition Centre, will showcase how social networking has changed the way we communicate within our working environment.

Trends for 2013 indicate social networking sites now considered as business tools. Companies are utilising newer social networks as well as witnessing a dramatic growth in the international social media market. Businesses are beginning to integrate social media with a superior customer experience, streaming their information through customer communication platforms like cell phones and mobile apps. Enhanced campaigns help executives reach people with the right message across all devices without having to set up and manage several separate campaigns.

Alongside local and international companies promoting the latest tools that are revolutionising the way we communicate COMEX 2013 will include exhibitors from the IT, Telecom & Technology industry at COMEX Business, eGovernment and COMEX Shopper. The event is held under the patronage of e.oman and organised by OITE Trade Fairs.


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$1 million reward offered as LA manhunt enters fourth day

This undated photo released by the Los Angeles Police Department shows suspect Christopher Dorner, a former Los Angeles officer.

By Sharon Bernstein,

Authorities in Los Angeles have offered a $1 million reward for information leading to the capture of a fired LA police officer sought in connection with a series of killings and threats against his former colleagues and their families.

The reward was announced even as investigators continued to comb the snowy mountains around Big Bear Lake, where Christopher Dorner's burned out truck was found on Feb. 7, and hundreds of officers patrolled the neighborhoods where people live who were threatened by Dorner in an online screed.?

Every day that Dorner is loose, said LAPD Chief Charlie Beck, is another day when the likelihood of an attack on police officers or their families increases.

"We are asking the public, 'Please help us to protect you,' " Beck said at a news conference. "Please help us to find Dorner before he is able to kill again."

Dorner is wanted in the slayings of three people and the ambush-style shooting of two others, all part of a revenge-style rampage that began last Sunday, when he allegedly shot the daughter of a police union lawyer and her fianc? in an Irvine parking garage.

The heart of the search continued to be the San Bernardino mountains where Dorner was last seen, Beck said on Sunday. Officers will also look for him near where some 50 LAPD families live who were threatened by the former policeman.

"You fish where the fish are," Beck said. "And Mr. Dorner has made his intentions very clear."

Timeline: Revenge-Plot Slayings | Read: Full Manifesto | Map: Search Locations

Also on Sunday, the Riverside Police Department released the name of one of Dorner's victims. Michael Crain, 34, was ambushed by a man police believe was Dorner on April 7, as he sat with his partner at a stoplight in his patrol car.

Crain, who was born in Anaheim, was an 11-year veteran of the Riverside police force. He leaves behind a wife and two small children.

Los Angeles officials announce a one million dollar reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of former LAPD officer Christopher Dorner.

A second reward, worth $100,000, could also be on the way, a spokesman for Los Angeles County Supervisor Mike Antonovich said Sunday.

Tony Bell said that Antonovich and fellow supervisor Mark Ridley-Thomas planned to ask colleagues on the Board of Supervisors to approve that reward for information leading to Dorner's capture at their meeting on Tuesday.

News of the rewards came as the LAPD announced it would re-open its investigation into Dorner?s firing from the department in 2008.

In a 11,400 word manifesto published on line, the ex-officer blamed his killing spree on his termination, saying that he would only stop when his name was cleared.

Re-opening the investigation seems to have two purposes: to communicate to members of the public who have responded to Dorner?s complaints that the LAPD treated him unfairly, and to send a message to the ex-officer himself.

The department "is not opening it because of the accusations or because of the musings of someone who is a multiple murderer now," Cmdr. Andrew Smith said Saturday. Chief Charlie Beck is "wants to ensure that the public knows that the Los Angeles Police Department is fair and transparent, " Smith said.

Witnesses will be re-interviewed and the investigation into Dorner's firing will get a "fresh set of eyes," Smith said. He also issued a plea for Dorner to come forward.

"He can turn himself in and he can be able to get his side of the story out," Smith said.

Deputies have been combing the ski resort area of Big Bear, where authorities found former LAPD Officer Christopher Dorner?s burned-out truck, since Thursday afternoon.

Investigators found weapons inside the truck, suggesting Dorner may have abandoned the truck in an unplanned hurry.

Former LAPD Chief William Bratton told the "Today Show" on Saturday that evidence suggests Dorner's truck may have become stuck in the mud. Previously, it was speculated that the truck may have been intentionally set ablaze as a distraction.

Investigators on Saturday were also trying to determine whether the truck's axle was broken when they found it, or if it was fractured while being towed from the forestry road.

Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, interviewed outside a prayer breakfast downtown, urged Dorner to turn himself in.

"We will find you," Villaraigosa said. "You?ve disgraced the public safety -- the police profession -- turn yourself in."

As the search in Big Bear was winding down for the night on Saturday, LAPD announced the department is reopening the case into Dorner's 2008 firing from the force.

In an 11,400-word document published online, Dorner laid out plans to kill law enforcement officers and their families, vowing to stop the attacks when LAPD "states the truth about my innocence."


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PST: Arsenal holds out for win at Sunderland

When Santi Cazorla put Arsenal up in the 36th minute at Sunderland, it looked like the beginning for an easy day for the Gunners. Their normally prolific passing game was accompanied by a precision the Gunners often lack, movement toward goal that hinted this many be a rare easy Arsenal road victory. The team went into halftime up one at the Stadium of Light, but it seemed only a matter of time before the visitors doubled their lead. There was little reason to think the match would end 1-0.

Yet that?s precisely what happened. Shortly after the hour mark, Arsenal were left to rue their near-misses and plunked uprights when they lost one of their defenders. Booked for the second time, right back Carl Jenkinson left his team to play with 10 for the last half hour, a disadvantage that caused the match to flip. In a game where Arsenal outshot their opponent 19-14, Sunderland posted eight shots to Arsenal?s four after the sending off. Unfortunately for the Black Cats, none of their shots had to be collected from Arsenal?s net.

(MORE: Bale, Spurs sink Newcastle)

Saving his team, goalkeeper Wojiech Szczesny gave Arsenal a man of the match-caliber performance, even if his numbers failed to capture his impact. His five saves where fewer than the seven recorded by Simon Mignolet, but late stops on chances that would have otherwise been goals (specifically, a late heard by Steven Fletcher) backboned a superficially strong defensive performance. Arsenal was able to keep a clean sheet, but even for a team reduced to 10 men, their defense was often too easily breeched by the Black Cats.

(MORE: Chelsea back in win column.)

After their leery 30 minutes, Arsenal was left with more than just a fortunate victory, in so far as any prolonged survival with 10 men requires some fortunate. The win was an impressive one for a team that?s often criticized for lacking perseverance. On the road, down a man, and having lost one of their better players to injury (Jack Wilshire, whose injury seemed minor), Arsenal got a valuable result, one which keeps them within four points of a coveted Champions League spot.


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Saturday, February 9, 2013

Britain's Food agency seeks stringent tests on beef products

(Reuters) - Britain's horse meat scandal has prompted the Food Standards Agency to demand a more stringent meat testing programme from UK's retailers.

The agency has demanded that food retailers and suppliers test all beef products such as burgers, meatballs and lasagne and present their findings to the agency by February 15.

Britain's food industry has been rocked by an alarming rise in incidents of retailers recalling their beef products after tests revealed the presence of horse meat in them.

Investigations into suppliers have been launched in recent weeks after revelations that beef products sold at major British supermarkets including Tesco and fast-food chain Burger King contained horse meat.

Smaller retail chains Aldi, Lidl and Iceland have also sold beef products found to contain horse DNA.

Findus, a UK-based frozen food and seafood company, on Thursday admitted that company's beef lasagne, contained horse meat.

Findus had recalled its beef lasagne from retailers earlier in the week on advice from its French supplier, Comigel.

Food safety experts say horse DNA poses no added health risks to consumers, but the discovery has raised concerns about the food supply chain and the ability to trace meat ingredients.

(Reporting by Karen Rebelo in Bangalore; Editing by Bob Burgdorfer)


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Macmillan settles e-book dispute with the Department of Justice

Macmillan has settled an antitrust lawsuit with the Department of Justice. The DOJ claimed Macmillan, along with Apple and other e-book publishers, were conspiring to raise prices.?

By Aimee Ortiz / February 8, 2013

Mary Knox Merrill/CSM staff photographer


After almost a year of litigation, Macmillan has reached a settlement with the US Department of Justice. The DOJ was suing Macmillan for allegedly conspiring with Apple and other publishers to raise the price of e-books.

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The settlement, which still needs to be approved by a Judge in Manhattan, requires Macmillian to lift any restrictions they have on retailers discounting e-books. They will also have to report their communications with other publishers to the DOJ and are prohibited from entering new contracts that impose such restrictions until 2014. Once approved, Apple will be the only defendant left to battle against the suit.

Macmillan chief executive John Sargent posted a letter online, explaining that the settlement comes after he had received an estimate of the maximum damage.

?I cannot share the breathtaking amount with you, but it was much more than the entire equity of our company,? writes Mr. Sargent. ?We settled because the potential penalties became too high to risk even the possibility of an unfavorable outcome.?

Apple continues the case, insisting that they and the other publishers were not conspiring. Apple claims that it was instead fighting a ?monopoly? by Amazon. According to CNET, Apple says that the government has sided with Amazon. In a legal memo released in August, Apple called Amazon the ?driving force? behind the suit. Apple argued that Amazon spoke with government officials frequently throughout the investigation.

?In all, the Government met with at least fourteen Amazon employees?yet not once under oath.?The Government required that Amazon turn over a?mere 4,500 documents, a fraction of what was?required of others,? says Apple.

The DOJ released a statement today about the Macmillian settlement:

?As a result of today?s settlement, Macmillan has agreed to immediately allow retailers to lower the prices consumers pay for Macmillan?s e-books,? says Jamillia Ferris, chief of staff and counsel at the Department of Justice?s Antitrust Division, according to the official DOJ statement. ?Just as consumers are already paying lower prices for the e-book versions of many of Hachette?s, HarperCollins?, and Simon & Schuster?s new releases and best sellers, we expect the prices of many of Macmillan?s e-books will also decline.?

A New York Times article states that the reason for the settlement might be an impending merger. NYT blogger Leslie Kaufman writes, ?The publishing industry has begun to consolidate in order to respond to the threat from Amazon, and when Penguin and Random House announced last October that they would merge, it fueled speculation that more alliances would follow.?

Macmillan has not stated or given any indication that they are looking to merge with any fellow publishers.

The continued suit against Apple will culminate in a trial this coming June.?

For more tech news, follow Aimee on?Twitter,?@aimee_ortiz


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After early start, worst of flu season may be over

NEW YORK (AP) ? The worst of the flu season appears to be over.

The number of states reporting intense or widespread illnesses dropped again last week, and in a few states there was very little flu going around, U.S. health officials said Friday.

The season started earlier than normal, first in the Southeast and then spreading. But now, by?some measures, flu activity has been ebbing for at least?four weeks in much of the country. Flu and pneumonia deaths also dropped the last two weeks, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported.

"It's likely that the worst of the current flu season is over," CDC spokesman Tom Skinner said.

But flu is hard to predict, he and others stressed, and there have been spikes late in the season in the past.

For now, states like Georgia and New York ? where doctor's offices were jammed a few weeks ago ? are reporting low flu activity. The hot spots are now the West Coast and the Southwest.

Among the places that have seen a drop: Lehigh Valley Hospital-Cedar Crest in Allentown, Pa., which put up a tent outside its emergency room last month to help deal with the steady stream of patients. There were about 100 patients each day back then. Now it's down to 25 and the hospital may pack up its tent next week, said Terry Burger, director of infection control and prevention for the hospital.

"There's no question that we're seeing a decline," she said.

In early December, CDC officials announced flu season had arrived, a month earlier than usual. They were worried, saying it had been nine years since a winter flu season started like this one. That was 2003-04 ? one of the deadliest seasons in the past 35 years, with more than 48,000 deaths.

Like this year, the major flu strain was one that tends to make people sicker, especially the elderly, who are most?vulnerable to flu and its complications

But back then, that year's flu vaccine wasn't made to protect against that bug, and fewer people got flu shots. The vaccine is reformulated almost every year, and the CDC has said this year's vaccine is a good match to the types that are circulating. A preliminary CDC study showed it is about 60 percent effective, which is close to the average.

So far, the season has been labeled moderately severe.

Like others, Lehigh Valley's Burger was cautious about making predictions. "I'm not certain we're completely out of the woods," with more wintry weather ahead and people likely to be packed indoors where flu can spread around, she said.

The government does not keep a running tally of flu-related deaths in adults, but has received reports of 59 deaths in children. The most ? nine ? were in Texas, where flu activity was still high last week. Roughly 100 children die in an average flu season, the CDC says

On average, about 24,000 Americans die each flu season, according to the CDC.

According to the CDC report, the number of states with intense activity is down to 19, from 24 the previous week, and flu is widespread in 38 states, down from 42.

Flu is now minimal in Florida, Kentucky, Maine, Montana, New Hampshire and South Carolina.





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China's inflation eases ahead of Lunar New Year

BEIJING (AP) ? China's inflation eased in January ahead of the Lunar New Year holiday but vegetable prices spiked higher amid unusually cold weather, data showed Friday.

Consumer prices rose 2 percent over a year earlier, down from the previous month's 2.5 percent gain, the government reported. The decline came despite a 37 percent jump in vegetable prices.

The January decline was due in part to comparison with the same month last year, when food prices spiked up as families stocked up for Lunar New Year banquets. This year's holiday doesn't begin until this month.

Higher pressures for prices to rise have prompted some analysts to suggest Beijing will respond by tightening credit, possibly complicating efforts to support China's shaky economic recovery.

Economic growth ticked up in the final quarter of 2012 but analysts say a recovery could be vulnerable if trade declines or the government fails to support investment spending that is propping up the rebound.

Food prices have been pushed up by the coldest winter in seven years, which damaged vegetable crops. The government said vegetable prices in some areas rose as much as 74.6 percent in January compared with a year earlier.


National Bureau of Statistics (in Chinese):


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Friday, February 8, 2013

How to Make Your Own GIFs

An animated GIF is an easy way to relive a single moment over and over ad nauseum. The GIF?graphics interchange format, and pronounced jif (see Glossary, below)?was invented by CompuServe in 1987 as a way to compress color images without degrading their visual information. Because the format usually results in a small, widely readable file?and because a single file can include multiple layers and, therefore, be animated?it boomed in popularity along with the Internet.

But that was in the 1990s, before the Internet became so self-aware; now the information superhighway is bursting with GIFs of cats, politicians, cats with politicians--and so on. The initial return to the form may fall into the trend of reappropriating shopworn fads (Pabst Blue Ribbon, flannel), or it may just be because the GIF is such a simple standard. To add your own animated image to the mix, you can use either an online tool or a computer program such as Adobe Photoshop or GIMP. Making your animation online is the easiest way to go, but that offers the least control over the results.

If you're looking for a single, quick GIF on the go, head to or, where you can upload photos or movies to stitch together into a repeating loop.

Photoshop and the open-source photo program GIMP (the GNU Image Manipulation Program) offer more GIF fine-tuning than Web tools, but the process is more manual. In Photoshop you can import a video directly, but in GIMP you'll have to manually split the frames into separate image files. You can do that either by taking screen shots or by using KMPlayer, a free program, to extract frames. Make sure all the images are the same size (if they're not, you can crop them in either program), and place each in a separate layer. If you're using still images in Photoshop, do the same thing; if you have a video clip, choose Import Video Frames to Layers in the File menu. Next, in either program, arrange the layers in the order you want them to play, with the first one at the top. In Photoshop you'll see your frames arranged in a timeline, where you can set how long each plays; in GIMP you'll have to choose Make Frames From Layers in the Animation palette menu to do that. To save in Photoshop, choose Save for Web & Devices and make sure the format is set as GIF. In GIMP, choose Export To in the File menu and select GIF as the format.

You're almost finished?all you have left to do is get your image onto the Internet, where you can post it to your heart's content. We recommend using a free file-hosting site, such as ImageBam or Imgur, to store and assign a URL to your animation. Then you can upload it to the blogging platform of your choice, or just send around an animated email.


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Playmakers Repertory Company Breathes New Life into a Classic ...


Photo- Jon Gardiner


It may be early in the year, but it?s safe to say that PlayMakers Repertory Company?s production of ?A Raisin in the Sun? will be one of the highlights of 2013. Lorraine Hansberry?s iconic tale of a struggling African-American family in the late 1950s proves to be just as pertinent today when placed in the able hands of director Raelle Myrick-Hodges. A superb cast?from the smallest bit part all the way on up to the leading role?and a quaint, realistic set add to the beauty of this piece and make it an absolute must-see for all theatre lovers.

Viewers?no matter their race or their station in life?are thoroughly drawn into the lives of the Youngers. Family matriarch, Lena, beautifully portrayed by Kathryn Hunter-Williams, is about to come into a large sum of money, and son Walter Lee (Mikaal Sulaiman) longs to invest it and find the life that has always been just outside of his grasp. What transpires will change the family?s life in unexpected ways. All of the emotional highs and lows play out in a way that is gently comic, achingly sad, and astoundingly honest.

Sulaiman, in his PRC debut, brings anger and a surprising amount of vulnerability to the classic role. Also notable here is Dee Dee Batteast as his loving wife, Ruth; Miriam A. Hyman as his spirited, goal-driven sister, Beneatha; and young Victor Waddell as his ten year old son, Travis. Indeed, it is hard to imagine a more endearing cast for this production or a more believable family.

Each scene flows seamlessly into the next, interspersed with real-live audio clips featuring the play?s author. This sophisticated touch, combined with dramatic lighting choices, makes the play nothing short of magic. While the piece touches on many themes?from the hunt for identity to the realization of dreams?the true heart of it is best expressed by Hansberry herself:

??[I]t is a play that tells the truth about people, Negroes and life and I think it will help a lot of people to understand how we are just as complicated as they are?and just as mixed up?but above all, that we have among our miserable and downtrodden ranks?people who are the very essence of human dignity. That is what, after all the laughter and tears, the play is supposed to say?

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Rating: 5.0/5 (1 vote cast)

Playmakers Repertory Company Breathes New Life into a Classic, 5.0 out of 5 based on 1 rating
Tagged as: PlayMakers Repertory Company, PRC, Raisin in the Sun


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For drug makers, new 3-D control opens wealth of options

Feb. 7, 2013 ? A team of scientists anchored at Yale University has demonstrated a new, highly versatile approach for quickly assembling drug-like compounds, establishing a broad new route to drug discovery and medical treatment. They report their results in the journal Science on Feb 8.

Drug molecules interact with their targets, such as proteins or enzymes, by attaching to them in a way that neutralizes the target's undesirable effects in the body. This is sometimes called the "lock-and-key" method. The new approach offers scientists far greater control over the three-dimensional structure of a key class of molecular compounds, making it easier to fashion drug molecules that fit their targets in the right way.

"Now we've got a lot more control over the shape and orientation of this class of drug compounds, and this essentially gives us greater flexibility in creating effective drugs," said Jonathan Ellman, the Yale chemist who led the experiment.

The research reported in Science revolves around piperidines, a class of organic compounds widely used in pharmaceuticals, including the familiar drugs quinine, morphine, oxycodone, Plavix, Cialis, and Aricept. Piperidines are core structures, or scaffolds, upon which molecular fragments -- parts of the drug molecule -- can be displayed for binding to a drug's targets. The scientists have shown a way to generate different piperidine derivatives by varying acid strength.

"Our research allows us to make new piperidines easily," Ellman said. "The approach has biomedical relevance because the scaffold upon which the fragments are displayed is present in many of the most important drugs."

The research is being published without patent constraints and could be used by drug developers immediately, said Ellman, who is the Eugene Higgins Professor of Chemistry and professor of pharmacology. "I believe that this is the most effective approach for rapidly translating this work into new drugs," he said.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Yale University, via EurekAlert!, a service of AAAS.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. S. Duttwyler, S. Chen, M. K. Takase, K. B. Wiberg, R. G. Bergman, J. A. Ellman. Proton Donor Acidity Controls Selectivity in Nonaromatic Nitrogen Heterocycle Synthesis. Science, 2013; 339 (6120): 678 DOI: 10.1126/science.1230704

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Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Barcelona's Messi inks 2-year contract extension

Associated Press Sports

updated 11:51 a.m. ET Feb. 7, 2013

BARCELONA, Spain (AP) - Lionel Messi has signed a two-year contract extension with Barcelona, linking him to the Spanish club until June 2018.

The 25-year-old Argentina forward joined Barcelona when he was 13, and debuted with the first team three years later. He has gone on to become Barcelona's all-time leading scorer en route to winning four FIFA world player of the year awards.

Barcelona first announced in December that Messi, along with midfielder Xavi Hernandez and defender Carles Puyol, had agreed to extend their contracts.

Barcelona defender Jordi Alba says Messi's renewal "is great news for Barcelona."

? 2012 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


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