Saturday, March 31, 2012

jonescene: Temporality and Femininity

I just started watching Rizzoli and Isles in preparation for my "Cops and Courts" class and quickly became intrigued by the ways that the characterizations of the two leads, Jane Rizzoli (Angie Harmon) and Maura Isles (Sasha Alexander), express issues of gender and time. Connections between gender and time have been a growing interest for me over the past few years, something I've noticed but not yet dug into deeply enough to take further than discussions and outlines. Maybe with Rizzoli and Isles, I'll be able to take the ideas a little bit futher into the classroom, perhaps with a focus on gender, space, and place in televisual legal mystery.

So here's what I'm noticing so far in this series. Both characters have profound relationships with the past, but struggle with the present and future. Jane is depicted in a kind of suspended adolescence, a tomboy who may be attracted to men but also identifies more with masculinity than femininity. Nonethless, her relationship with masculinity is as complicated as her relationship with femininity. For example, in the first episode of the second season, she doesn't want to put on her cop uniform for her own award ceremony because it makes her look like a man. However, her normal detective uniform is a mix-and-match pantsuit, different mostly in color and fit than a regular cop uniform but not necessarily different in kind. Along with this tomboy identity, her family and friendship connections also keep her in the past. Her family, effectively headed by her mother Angela (Lorraine Bracco), is a constant and aggravating presence for her, especially since her mother tries to control her life and personal relationships, again like a child. Rizzoli maintains a competitive and teasing relationship with her younger brother Frankie Jr. (Jordan Bridges), who is also a police officer and tags after her with adulation like a kid. Her friendships are another part of this connection to the past, as old acquaintances keep popping up and interfering with both her personal and professional lives. One example from the first season is Joey Grant (Donnie Wahlberg), a fellow detective who moves from the narcotics division to become Rizzoli's commanding officer in homicide and also happens to be a childhood nemesis from both church and school. Furthermore, cases from her past keep cropping up to haunt her. In the premiere episode, she's tormented by a previous case, when the work of the Surgeon, an incarcerated Hannibal Lecter-type, reappears through an accomplice and then continues through his escape. Cases from the past also seem to reappear continually in the series, as the second episode also covers a copycat (or maybe a continuation?) of the Boston Strangler cases from the sixties, and the start of the second season also revisits the continuing impact of the final case of the previous season on Rizzoli and her ability to do her job.

Isles also has an interesting relationship with the past in her role as the coroner. Working with dead bodies, she is constantly in the company of those who have "passed", even preferring them to those currently present. As she explains in the second episode of the first season, she had to go through an immersion therapy experience to get over her fear of the living. The body of knowledge that she brings to her work is also based on a mastery of the work that came before her. She lives in the present through what she learns from those who have "passed" and can therefore add to that previous "body of knowledge". In contrast to Rizzoli though, Isles has a "present tense" relationship to her femininity, where her gender expression seems to properly match her age and stage of personal development. Specifically, in terms of clothes, she wears what would be expected as a norm for women in their thirties with her level of education, professional achievement, and income, specifically high-end fashionable items like Birkin bags, plus tasteful jewelry and heels that seem like they could be from major label designers. However, she also looks so polished and perfect as to be a "girly-girl", a youthful excessively feminine style that seems to contrast with the masculine mastery and messiness of her chosen career. As Rizzoli asks her in the premiere episode, "Why do you always look like you're going to a photoshoot?" Along with this parallel relationship between fashion and gender development, Isles' lack of familial or friendship connections also seems to keep her in a constant present. Unlike Rizzoli (so far: I've only seen three episodes), she seems to have no present--in time or in place--family relationships, and she claims to have had no real friends from her past. This lack of connection to the past aside from the dead gives her a sense of the uncanny. This relationship to the dead also connects Isles to the future, as death is always lurking out there for everyone.

While death may be a part of everyone's future--and certainly has its relationship to the regeneration of life--the futurity of both Rizzoli and Isles is constantly in question due to their troubled relationships with men. Neither seems to be able to maintain a consistent heteronormative connection, something that Rizzoli's mother Angela certainly never lets her forget. However, the inability to maintain these straight relationships are also part of what keep leading them back to each other as their primary, equally matched and complentary relationships with another person, a source of the popular queer readings of their characters. As Dorothy Snarker explains in AFTER ELLEN,

"News Flash: Jane Rizzoli and Maura Isles are not gay. They?re outstanding heterosexuals who just happen to flirt, sleep in the same bed, touch each other gratuitously, look deeply into each other?s eyes and have crazy, crazy chemistry while not maintaining any long-standing or significant romances with members of the opposite sex...."

I just noticed that Rizzoli and Isles is also taken from a book series, so maybe this is a show that will allow the class to also talk about adaptation as well. I'm also curious to see how place plays out. Boston doesn't seem as present as it should so far, aside from a few light touches in the score and inserts. I look forward to continuing to see how the show develops over the two seasons, whether it fulfills any of my aforementioned points or not.

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German hermaphrodites push for human rights

Courtesy Of Fackeltraeger Verlag / Courtesy of Fackeltraeger Verlag

Christiane Voelling is a 52-year-old intersexual who lives in Dusseldorf, Germany and has fought for greater rights for people like herself whose sexual gender is indeterminate.

By Andy Eckardt , NBC News Producer

MAINZ, Germany ? Pink? Or blue? For most parents this is the paramount question when it comes to organizing a baby shower or choosing a color for a newborn's room.

But, what happens if the exact gender of the child cannot be determined? It is estimated that in Germany alone approximately 80,000 people are intersexual, so-called hermaphrodites, who have physical features ? such as chromosomes, hormones, gonads and outer sexual organs ? which cannot be unambiguously attributed to just one gender.?

Christiane Voelling, 52,?is an intersexual.

She is a nurse living in D?sseldorf who was born without defining gender characteristics.

Because German law requires that a newborn's personal data ? including gender specification ? is registered within a week, Christiane was proclaimed a boy at birth and called Thomas after a midwife supposedly mistook her enlarged clitoris for a penis.

In Voelling's case, it was later diagnosed that her indeterminate external genitalia were the result of a rare genetic disorder of the adrenal gland, the so-called congenital adrenal hyperplasia, or CAH.

"My childhood and teenage development was often agonizing because I did not really know what was wrong with me and where I belonged," Voelling said in a recent interview with NBC News.?

Following a push from various human rights groups, Germany?s government commissioned its National Ethics Council in December 2010 to consider the issue and come up with recommendations on how to identify intersexuals so they could live with greater dignity. The council, which in February of this year released its recommendations, even grappled with the question of whether or not a ?third sex? should be introduced.??

Invasive surgery
For Voelling, her gender issues were rarely discussed in her family growing up in a small town in a rural area of western Germany since her parents were convinced that they were raising a male child. Yet, in school, she would often be reminded of her ambivalence, when she played soccer with the "other boys," but also felt very much integrated in the girls clique.?

She was experiencing an inner conflict that is rather common among intersexuals, or so-called differences of sex development (DSD) affected individuals, experts say.

"By the mid 90s, the first intersexual patients started seeking psychological help at our offices and most of them were preoccupied with feelings of shame, humiliation and a burdening tabooization of their problems," said Dr. Sophinette Becker, a sexologist and psychologist from Frankfurt.

For Voelling, her emotional trauma grew significantly larger at age 18, when physical scars were added in an unnecessary operation.

After being admitted to a local hospital for an appendix surgery, doctors diagnosed that their patient had mixed male-female genitals and an atrophied reproductive system.

But, when the young adult landed on the operating table, the surgeon found a full set of female reproductive organs, including an intact womb and ovaries.

Without consent from the patient, the organs were removed.

"I never received a truthful explanation of my condition and after the operation I felt a lot of physical and emotional pain for many years,"? Voelling said.

"Some 95 percent of all intersexuals systematically undergo genital surgery and other interventions without medical informed consent and without clear scientific proof," said Lucie Veith, the head of "Intersexuelle Menschen eV" in Hamburg, a group that represents hermaphrodites in Germany.

Gratification after legal battle
Only a couple of years later, Voelling also started receiving the regular administration of testosterone, or steroid male hormones.

"For 27 years, I was more or less exposed to severe doping," Voelling said.

"At age 47, when I felt more like a woman than a man anyway, I said enough is enough," she added.

Today, intersexual activists are trying to educate the medical community, affected families and the public about the often harsh consequences of genital reconstruction surgery and other severe medical interventions.

"These massive medical interferences plunge the intersexed child into total imbalance and lead to irreversible damages," said Veith, whose organization has nearly 600 members in Germany.

In 2008, Voelling decided to take her case to court and sued the doctor that had removed her female reproduction organs over unlawful intervention.

In its verdict, the court ordered the surgeon to pay 100,000 euro, (approximately $133,000)? in compensation for performing an operation converting a hermaphrodite into a man without consent.

"I felt very relieved and it was really more of a moral reparation than anything else, but it unfortunately did not have consequences for the legal rights of intersexuals," said Voelling.? She officially changed her gender from male to female, as well as her name from Thomas to Christiane, in a long bureaucratic process that same year.

Preparing legal framework
While experts say that Voelling's case is legally unique and will not set a precedent, the topic nevertheless started to receive more public attention after she wrote a book called "I was man and woman ? My Life as an Intersexual.?

Despite some disagreements with the recommendations of Germany?s National Ethics Council released last month, Voelling and other intersexuals hope that the council?s recommendations will help give their status a legal framework in the future.

"In our recommendation to the German government earlier this year, the main message was that intersexuals are different from other human beings, but they need to be respected and belong in the center of our society," said psychologist Dr. Michael Wunder, a member of the German National Ethics Council.

Because irreversible medical interventions of gender assignment in people with ambiguous genitalia are typically conducted during early childhood years, the German Ethics Council determined that these operations present an infringement of the right to physical integrity, thus a violation of basic human rights.

The Ethics Board also said that "a non-justifiable encroachment on the personal rights and the right to equal treatment is present when people who cannot be assigned as ?female? or ?male? because of their physical condition are legally compelled to assign themselves to either category in the civil registry."

Following Australia's example, the German Ethics Council recommended that in addition to the registration of? "female" or "male," the German government should introduce the category "other" or should allow a ?no entry,? until the affected person have made a personal decision themselves.

Last September, Australia? introduced new guidelines, which allow its citizens to change the sex details on their passport to female (F), male (M) or indeterminate (X).

"This amendment makes life easier and significantly reduces the administrative burden for sex and gender diverse people who want a passport that reflects their gender and physical appearance," said Australian Foreign Minister Kevin Rudd.

In Germany, rights activists, representatives from the Ethics Council and intersexuals now hope that German lawmakers will soon implement regulations, which will help to protect the rights of hermaphrodites and remove discrimination on the grounds of gender identity and sexual orientation.

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Sen. Al Franken to Facebook, Google users: 'You are their product'


1 day

Smartphone penetration

The smartphone juggernaut continues?in the U.S. According to a new Nielsen report,?49.7 percent of mobile subscribers owned smartphones as ... Read more

1 hr.

Once again proving he's the one government representative who gets this whole technology thing, Sen. Al Franken D-Minn., called out Facebook and Google during a speech for American Bar Association's Antitrust Section.?

Franken, who chairs new Senate subcommittee on Privacy, Technology, and the Law, was there Thursday to call for greater enforcement of antitrust laws for all-encompassing tech and media companies, including mobile and cable services, as well as online services. Such Web corporations, he said, is "where privacy becomes an antitrust issue."

Last year, when it was revealed that iPhones and iPads were mapping user locations in accessible files for up to a year, Franken, D-Minn., got down to business, firing off pointed questions in a two-page open letter to Apple CEO Steve Jobs. ?Franken also joined other senators urging Facebook to "reverse a plan that would allow app developers the ability to request access to users? addresses, phone numbers and other contact information."

In his ABA speech, Franken noted how the more that "average Americans depend on Google and Facebook daily, "the less incentive (the companies) have to respect your privacy," he said. Both of these "free" services make the bulk of their money via user profiles, allowing third parties to target ads using the extensive personal information stored there. "You are not their client, you are their product," he said.

Institutions that "protect our individual privacy rights from the government don?t apply to the private sector," Franken said. "The Fourth Amendment doesn?t apply to corporations. The Freedom of Information Act doesn?t apply to Silicon Valley. And you can?t impeach Google if it breaks its 'Don?t be evil' campaign pledge."

?Franken pointed to Google's new privacy policy, which now covers all of the search giant's many services:?

If you don?t want your search results shared with other Google sites -- if you don?t want some kind of super-profile being created for you based on everything you search, every site you surf, and every video you watch on YouTube -- you will have to find a search engine that?s comparable to Google. Not easy.

If you want a free email service that doesn?t use your words to target ads to you, you?ll have to figure out how to port years and years of Gmail messages somewhere else, which is about as easy as developing your own free email service.

Franken had equally sharp words for Facebook:

If you use Facebook -- as I do -- Facebook in all likelihood has a unique digital file of your face, one that can be as accurate as a fingerprint and that can be used to identify you in a photo of a large crowd.

You might not like that Facebook shares your political opinions with Politico, but are you really going to delete all the photos, all the posts, all the connections -- the presence you?ve spent years establishing on the world?s dominant social network? ?The more dominant these companies become over the sectors in which they operate, the less incentive they have to respect your privacy.

"It isn't time for alarm bells just yet," Franken said. But wouldn?t we feel a lot more comfortable about that if we knew that market forces would act to stop such an egregious abuse of our privacy? And shouldn?t we be concerned that, as these companies that trade in your personal information keep getting bigger and bigger, they become less and less accountable?"

Click here to read Sen. Al Franken's full speech.

Helen A.S. Popkin goes blah blah blah about the Internet. Tell her to get a real job?on?Twitter?and/or?Facebook. Also,?Google+.

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Hackers target Mac users


13 hrs.

Smartphone penetration

The smartphone juggernaut continues?in the U.S. According to a new Nielsen report,?49.7 percent of mobile subscribers owned smartphones as ... Read more

11 hrs.

Uh oh! Mac users who occasionally dip their toes into the sea of Microsoft products are at risk of becoming the victims of targeted security attacks, thanks to a security hole in Microsoft Office for Mac.

Dennis Fisher of the Kaspersky Lab Security News Service reports that?researchers recently discovered a new security attack which relies on "two separate pieces of malware, a malicious Word document and some techniques for maintaining persistence on compromised machines." These attacks are specifically?targeting Mac users, he explains.

( is a joint venture of Microsoft and NBC Universal.)

Despite the attack method being rather new, it actually relies on a three-year-old vulnerability in the way Microsoft Office for Mac deals with certain types of Microsoft Word Files. According to Jaime Blasco of AlienVault Labs, an attacker needs to send a "specially crafted Word file" to a user and have some patience. Once that individual opens the malicious file, the attacker could take complete control of his or her system:

An attacker could then install programs; view, change, or delete data; or create new accounts with full user rights. Users whose accounts are configured to have fewer user rights on the system could be less impacted than users who operate with administrative user rights.

As usual, extreme vigilance is the best way to avoid becoming a victim to?a security attack such as this one. Be careful when opening files you've received. Are they from individuals you trust? Are they files you've been expecting? Use common sense and don't immediately peek at every random file.

Updated at 8:15 pm ET: ?Yunsun Wee, director of Microsoft Trustworthy Computing, said the company?released a security update in 2009 "to address an issue affecting Microsoft Office for Mac, and we encourage customers to apply this update to ensure that they are fully protected."

Want more tech news, silly puns, or amusing links? You'll get plenty of all three if you keep up with Rosa Golijan, the writer of this post, by following her on?Twitter, subscribing to her?Facebook?posts, or circling her?on?Google+.

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Friday, March 30, 2012

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Mortgage Refinance

When you refinance home loan and are considering an Adjustable Rate Mortgage gives you there are a number of things that can go wrong. Your homework before refinancing will help you identify and avoid these traps. Here are some tips to avoid paying too much when refinancing an Adjustable Rate Mortgage loan with.

Adjustable rate mortgages (also known as loan ARM) became popular in the early80. These loans featured interest rates lower than conventional mortgages and easier qualifying.

The problem with adjustable rate mortgages is that many homeowners use these loans rate mortgages to buy homes who can not afford the traditional landline.

As the name suggests, changes in interest rates over time, your lender adjusts the loan at regular intervals to index your loan over the edge attached to her. The marginYour lender code to cover their ?costs?. The index for your loan is likely to vary from one provider to another and there is no ?index? ideal. Your credit LIBOR index may be related to the Treasury-bill index or the London Inter Bank Offered Rate. The LIBOR index is popular with mortgage lenders that sell their loans to European investors.

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There are security features that homeowners Choose the number of mortgages at risk. These functions are ?like? caps and limits known as how long the lender may raise the interest rate or payment amount During an adjustment. It ?important to structure properly the caps on the loan, homeowners, the abandonment of both caps and periodic payment choice can experiment with their negative amortization loans. Mortgage loans that are actually grow negatively amortized time.

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Depending on the economy and interest rates, introductory offer of your Adjustable Rate Mortgage could save a lot of money. This introductory sentence, sometimes called ?teaser rate is usually much lower than fixed rate loans. It ?important to understand that this opening phrase of the contract vote at the end of the introductory phase of the lender and the loan correcting yourThe payment will rise.

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  1. Mortgage refinance rates ? Best California Home Mortgage refinancing rates online
  2. Refinance Adjustable Rate Mortgage Help
  3. Mortgage Refinance Help ? Understanding Refinancing
  4. Mortgage refinance rates ? Refinancing mortgage, save money
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Thursday, March 29, 2012

Selena Gomez to Haters: Bring It!

Due to her relationship with Justin Bieber, Selena Gomez is not the most popular singer on the planet.

She's faced numerous death threats over the past year, in fact, with authorities actually getting involved at times due to the serious nature of the personal attacks.

But Selena is handling the pressure as best she can, never backing away from those who claims to love Justin, yet somehow also don't want him to be happy in his relationship. Latest case in point: check out a photo Gomez posted to Instagram on the set of her new film, Spring Breakers.

Selena Gomez on Instagram

This isn't the first time Selena has addressed her critics. She said in an interview last year that the single "Who Says" was written "to the haters... to the people who try to bring you down."

As you can tell here, though, those people have failed miserably when it comes to Selena Gomez. You tell 'em, girl!


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Raindrops In Rock: Clues To A Perplexing Paradox

Researchers have analyzed the fossil imprints of of raindrops, like the ones shown here, to study the atmosphere of the Earth, as it was 2.7 billion years ago. The rule at the top is 5 centimeters, or about 2 inches, long. Enlarge W. Alterman/University of Pretoria

Researchers have analyzed the fossil imprints of of raindrops, like the ones shown here, to study the atmosphere of the Earth, as it was 2.7 billion years ago. The rule at the top is 5 centimeters, or about 2 inches, long.

W. Alterman/University of Pretoria

Researchers have analyzed the fossil imprints of of raindrops, like the ones shown here, to study the atmosphere of the Earth, as it was 2.7 billion years ago. The rule at the top is 5 centimeters, or about 2 inches, long.

The late astronomer Carl Sagan presented this paradox to his colleagues: We know the sun was a lot fainter two billion years ago. So why wasn't the Earth frozen solid?

We know it wasn't because there's plenty of evidence for warm seas and flowing water way back then. The question is still puzzling scientists.

But new clues to that paradox come from an unlikely source: fossilized raindrops, from 2.7 billion years ago. Back then, the Earth had no trees or flowers or animals birds or fish. But it did have volcanoes. And it did rain.

You can see evidence of that in a remarkable fossil, found in South Africa. It records an ancient downpour.

"So it rained 2.7 billion years ago on volcanic ash," says scientist Sanjoy Som. "The ash was covered by a very thin but very resistant layer of ash, and all that was again covered by more volcanic ash."

That ash turned to rock. And even today, you can still see the little rims around the small impact craters the raindrops created.

"So they're flawlessly preserved, which is surprising for rocks that are that old."

Som was getting his Ph.D. at the University of Washington, and his advisor suggested that Som examine those fossilized raindrops to see what he might learn about the ancient atmosphere.

"Because I have background in aeronautical engineering I found that challenge super exciting and jumped on it," says Som, who is now at NASA's Ames Research Center.

The scientists knew that the size of raindrops would tell them how thick the atmosphere was back then. Raindrops fall more slowly through thick air than through thin air. So the thicker the air, the more gently they will fall to earth, and the smaller the craters will be.

And the raindrop craters they found were similar to those you get on dusty lava today. So Som and his colleagues conclude that the atmosphere back then was a lot like it is today, maybe a bit thinner, but surely no more than twice as dense.

Theories About Earth's Atmospheric History

It's just plain cool to figure out something like that. But the journal Nature highlighted this finding because it touches on Carl Sagan's paradox ? that the early earth was warm even though the sun was young and dim.

"Something was keeping the planet warm back then because the sun was fainter, yet there's plenty of evidence in the geological record of ocean sediments and river sediments," Som says.

The easiest answer is that the atmosphere served as an insulating blanket, as it does today. We'd still be a frozen planet if we didn't have the natural greenhouse effect to keep us warm. But it turns out you need a much bigger greenhouse effect to compensate for a faint sun.

"You either need higher CO2 [carbon dioxide concentrations in the atmosphere] or higher CO2 in combination with other greenhouse gases like methane," says Jim Kasting at Penn State University, who has been puzzling over this paradox for years.

But according to some controversial evidence from ancient rocks, there wasn't enough carbon dioxide in the air to get the job done. That's led other people to suggest that maybe the atmosphere was thick with nitrogen.

Nitrogen doesn't trap heat, but if there's a lot of nitrogen in the air, it makes carbon dioxide a better insulating blanket. However, the raindrop results say the atmosphere was not super-thick back then. So you can apparently rule out the nitrogen hypothesis. The paradox remains.

There are lots of other ideas still to test, but precious little evidence from the early days of earth.

And, by the way, while you're puzzling over that, here's something else to think about. The sun is still getting brighter. That is happening so slowly it can't explain our current trend of global warming. But Kasting says it does matter in the very long run.

"Within about a billion years, it should be 10 percent brighter, and that could actually spell the end for earth because in our models that's enough to drive off the earth's water."

And Earth will not be so much fun when the oceans have boiled away. But we have a billion years to figure a way out of that jam.


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Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Whistle-blower's job performance slipping - Business Management ...

Problem: Jack has become a minor ?celebrity with other employees ever since he filed an Occupational Safety and Health Act complaint about an alleged hazardous condition.

He spends so much time talking about safety, that his job performance is declining. It reaches the point that Jack needs to be disciplined.

What would you do?

The answer: Jack had every right to file his complaint with the Occupational Safety and Health Administration. He does not have the right to disrupt the workplace or allow his job performance to suffer. You don?t have to feel handcuffed in your dealings with an employee who has filed a complaint.

But you do have to be careful with any management action taken after the original complaint is filed. Even a hint of retaliation can trigger a lawsuit.

Talk to Jack immediately about his declin??ing performance and put the conversation in writing. Issue a written warning and follow your disciplinary procedure carefully if his performance does not improve.

Whistle-blower protection

Activities in which employees have a right to blow the whistle without being subject to disciplinary action or harassment include the following:

  • Opposing or publicizing policies that violate antitrust, securities, or consumer protection laws, such as the Environmental Protection Act.
  • Reporting fraud, corruption, or other forms of law-breaking covered by the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO), the Whistle??blower Protection Act, or state whistleblower statutes.
  • Disclosing information about fraudulent activities within their publicly held private corporation, in violation of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act.
  • Reporting the gross mismanagement, waste, or abuse of stimulus funds under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009.

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Valuable Statistics for Recreation Sports | The Upside Blog

Have you ever wondered how dangerous recreational activities like bicyle riding, basketball, baseball, bowling and fishing can be? Thanks to a study done by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), you will not have to wonder anymore.

The NHTSA compiled statistics for some of the most common recreational activities. Bicyle riding was by far the most dangerous, as the NHTSA reported more than 600 fatalies and 51,000 injuries ?in the year of 2009 alone.

The sudy also compiled statistics from over 30 sports, including physical?activities such as football, wrestling, ice hockey and boxing. Below is some of the key data taken from the graph.

  • Wrestling, Boxing, Ice Hockey, Field Hockey and Track and Field?have over 50-percent of their injury incidents in the 15-24 age bracket.
  • Football has its highest injury rates in the 5-14 age bracket over the 2009 period, with 49-percent of its 489,676 injuries occuring in that demographic
  • Swimming had 225,493 reported injuries in 2009 alone, with 41.9 percent of incidents occuring in the 5-14 age bracket and 27.6 occurig in the 25-64 bracket.
  • Basketball was one of the most dangerous recreational sports in 2009, with 528,584 injuries being reported overall. Football was second with 489,676 injuries reported.
  • Gymnastics had the highest injury rate in the 5-14 age bracket, with 70-percent of their 28,743 injuries reported coming in those ages. Roller skating was second with 54-percent of injuries occuring in the 5-14 age bracket.
  • In the 25-64 age bracket, snowmobiling (66-percent), mountain biking (64-percent) and racquetball/squash/paddleball (61.9) had the most injury incidents.

You can check out the full study here. For more information, visit the Insurance Information Institute, or call Gunn Mowery at 1-800-840-1243. You can e-mail us your questions at

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Monday, March 26, 2012

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One particular of the most asked inquiries for folks contemplating the plumbing profession subject is whether or not it is necessary to develop qualifications by means of education. There are many analysts who have stated that studying the basics of plumbing requires fingers-on knowledge and a specific amount of apprenticeship. Nonetheless, individuals are identifying as the desire grows for plumbing experts, the education and learning must be balanced with the demand for plumbing professionals.

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Sunday, March 25, 2012

Hilary Duff Says She Would Never Let Charlie Sheen Babysit

Hilary Duff has revealed that she is being ‘cautious’ over her newborn baby. Hilary Duff gave birth to her son Luca Cruz Comrie earlier this week. Talking to OK Magazine, Duff amusingly suggested that she would not let Charlie Sheen, who she will be starring alongside with in the upcoming comedy movie ‘She Wants Me’, [...]


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CatholicNewsSvc: Watch as Rome bureau chief Frank Rocca talks about significance of B16's trip to Mexico, church-state history there

Twitter / Catholic News Svc: Watch as Rome bureau chief ... Loader Watch as Rome bureau chief Frank Rocca talks about significance of B16's trip to Mexico, church-state history there


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Saturday, March 24, 2012

Japan threatens to shoot down North Korean rocket

Japan is preparing its missile defense systems to shoot down a long-range North Korean rocket launch planned for next month, should it threaten Japanese territory, the BBC reported.

Japanese Defense Minister Nokia Tank announced today that Japan is readying Aegis-class warships and PAC-3 surface to air missiles.

More from Global Post: North Korea's rocket launch would defy UN (VIDEO)

It is understood the defense systems could be deployed near the southern island of Okinawa, where Tokyo believes the missile may pass over its airspace.

North Korea has told the UN's International Maritime Organization that the first stage of the rocket will fall in international waters between China and South Korea, while the second stage should land 118 miles east of the Philippines, Agence France Press reported.

Meanwhile China called for restraint, urging all parties to ?refrain from actions that would complicate the issue," foreign ministry spokesman Hong Lei told reporters.

More from Global Post: China worried over North Korea missile launch

The move comes as UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon warned North Korea that a rocket launch could discourage international aid donors.

"Such an act would undermine recent positive diplomatic progress and, in its effect on international donors, would likely worsen the humanitarian situation inside the country," Ban said in a speech in Singapore.

North Korea, which has nuclear arms, has said the rocket will be used put a satellite into orbit. It said the event would mark the 100th birthday of North Korea?s late Great Leader Kim Il Sung, the BBC reported.

The United States and South Korea, among other nations, see the rocket launch as a pretext for a long-range missile test banned by the UN.

World leaders, including US President Barack Obama, are due to meet in the South Korean capital, Seoul, on Monday for a summit focused on nuclear terrorism, at which they are expected to discuss the North?s atomic program.

More from Global Post: The Argentine economy's fuzzy math problem


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Self-reflective mind -- in animals! Psychologists report on continuing advances

Friday, March 23, 2012

According to one of the leading scholars in the field, there is an emerging consensus among scientists that animals share functional parallels with humans' conscious metacognition -- that is, our ability to reflect on our own mental processes and guide and optimize them.

In two new contributions to this influential field of comparative psychology, David Smith, PhD, of the University at Buffalo and his fellow researchers report on continuing advances in this domain.

Smith is a professor in the Department of Psychology at UB, and a member of the university's graduate program in evolution, ecology and behavior and its Center for Cognitive Science. His co-authors on the articles are Justin J. Couchman, PhD, visiting assistant professor of psychology, State University of New York at Fredonia, and Michael J. Beran, PhD, senior research scientist, Language Research Center, Georgia State University.

In "The Highs and Lows of Theoretical Interpretation in Animal-Metacognition Research," in press at the journal Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, Smith, Couchman and Beran examine the theoretical and philosophical problems associated with the attribution of self-reflective, conscious mind to nonverbal animals.

Philosophical Transactions is a highly visible journal in the biological sciences and one of the oldest scientific journals published in English.

"The possibility of animal metacognition has become one of the research focal points in comparative psychology today," Smith says, "but, of course, this possibility poses difficult issues of scientific interpretation and inference." In this article, they evaluate the standards that science brings to making difficult interpretations about animal minds, describing how standards have been applied historically and as they perhaps should be applied. The article concludes that macaques do show uncertainty-monitoring capacities that are similar to those in humans.

The other contribution, "Animal Metacognition," will be published in March by Oxford University Press in the volume "Comparative Cognition: Experimental Explorations of Animal Intelligence." Smith says this volume will be one of the preeminent sources for scholarship in animal cognition for the next decade.

In this article, Smith and his colleagues provide a comprehensive review of the current state of the animal-metacognition literature. They describe how Smith inaugurated animal metacognition as a new field of study in 1995 with research on a bottlenosed dolphin. The dolphin assessed correctly when the experimenter's trials were too difficult for him, and adaptively declined to complete those trials.

The dolphin also showed his own distinctive set of hesitation, wavering and worrying behaviors when the trials were too difficult. In sharp contrast, when the trials were easy, he swam to the responses so fast that he would make a bow-wave around himself that would swamp Smith's delicate electronics. Smith says: "We finally had to buy condoms to protect the equipment."

Subsequently, Smith and many collaborators also explored the metacognitive capacities of joystick-trained macaques. These Old-World monkeys, native to Africa and Asia, can make specific responses to declare uncertainty about their memory. They can respond, "Uncertain," to gain hints from the experimenters of what to do on the first trial of new tasks. They can even respond, "Uncertain," when their memory has been erased by trans-cranial magnetic stimulation. Accordingly, this second article by Smith and colleagues also supports the consensus that animals share with humans a form of the self-reflective, metacognitive capacity.

"In all respects," says Smith, "their capacity for uncertainty monitoring, and for responding to uncertainty adaptively, show close correspondence to the same processes in humans.

"At present," he says, "members of South-American monkey species or New World monkeys have not shown the same robust capacities for uncertainty monitoring, a possible species difference that has intriguing implications regarding the emergence of reflective mind in monkeys, apes and humans."


University at Buffalo:

Thanks to University at Buffalo for this article.

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Friday, March 23, 2012

Paul Ryan's budget and the sticking point between the left and right

In their calls for tax reform, Republican Paul Ryan and Democrat Kent Conrad have a lot in common. But the question over tax revenues continues to drive the two sides apart.

Today House Budget Committee chairman, Paul Ryan (R-WI) unveiled the House Republican budget proposal with a lot of fanfare and his latest snazzy?video.? The fundamental structure of the proposal itself is not really ?news? in that Ryan has remained consistent to his word that the fiscal situation is a spending-side-only problem and that the level of revenues as a share of our economy should be maintained around its 40-year historical average.

Skip to next paragraph Diane Lim Rogers

'EconomistMom' (Diane Lim Rogers) is Chief Economist of the Concord Coalition, a non-partisan, non-profit organization which advocates for fiscal responsibility, and the mom of four (amazing) kids to whom she dedicates her work. She?s been blogging since Mother?s Day 2008.

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Relating that to the story on the Senate Budget Committee chairman, Kent Conrad (D-ND) which appeared over the weekend in the Washington Post (written excellently by Lori Montgomery), I find it striking that both of the budget chairmen (from the two different houses and two different parties) now talk about tax expenditures as government spending that just happens to be done by poking holes into the income tax system.? In his own budget, Ryan refers to this ?spending through the tax code? (pg. 67) and also points out how the rich benefit the most from these ?tax subsidies.?? In other words, like Kent Conrad, Paul Ryan recognizes that if we reduced these tax expenditures, we would not be raising taxes as much as reducing spending.

On the other hand, Ryan stresses that his proposal to eliminate these tax subsidies would be ?not for the purpose of increasing total tax revenues, but instead to lower rates.?

So, revenues relative to GDP remains the huge sticking point in what would otherwise seemingly be complete bipartisan agreement on the shape of badly-needed tax reform.? How best to break that impasse is the key to making huge progress on deficit reduction.? I think it will have to wait until after the election, however, because for now the Democrats would rather attack the Republicans for their deficit-reduction approach that implies huge, draconian cuts in direct spending and benefits than convince the Republicans to move away from that approach and more toward revenue-raising-but-by-base-broadening tax reform.? And Republicans would rather attack the Democrats for their strategy of? ?soaking the rich? (and the ?job creators?) than convince the Democrats that broadening the tax base by reducing tax expenditures is actually a progressive (as well as efficient) way to raise tax burdens on the rich.

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Thursday, March 22, 2012

Decorate Your Home Like A Professional | Interior Design

If your home is starting to appear dated, it could be time to redecorate. You might choose to update with new textures, colors and furniture shapes. Whatever style you select, you can improve one room or the whole house in such a way that your friends and family will think you must have hired a decorator to make these great changes.

While you may not be a professional designer, you can still learn from many of the same sources that they use. For example, you might want to start browsing several design magazines and websites a few months before you actually begin the process. These both can offer great sources of inspiration for the homeowner. As you look at these sites and visit in the homes of others take note of rooms that are appealing to you, keeping in mind these images as you begin shopping for the project. If the color is in a magazine, clip the picture and take it to the paint store. They normally need a spot of the color about the size of a dime to duplicate the color of paint. Even if the photo does not provide a large enough sample, you may be able to match it from the paint chips on display.

If you are having difficulty in making a decision after browsing all the websites and magazines, it might be time to hire a professional designer. While these professionals are expensive, ask if they are available for consultation or recommendations. While you will still need to do most of the work yourself, you can gain a lot of advice and tips at a more affordable price.

Model home leftovers offer some up to date designer furniture and other decor. Many track homes will have several model homes in the new subdivision. Once the model homes sell, the furnishings used to show the home would also need to be sold. It is often possible to buy these designer pieces at a fraction of the cost of new. They can give your home the look of a professional designer at a discount price.

Whether you are furnishing a new home or redecorating your existing home, there are many things that you can do that cause the home to have a fresh look. Remember to take time to browse magazines and websites for great ideas that would look nice in your home. If necessary, be willing to pay a professional for a consultation, while you still do all the work for yourself. Do not forget that there are many possibilities where you can save money on new furnishings, including the furnishings used to show model homes in new subdivisions. With planning and work, you can transform your home into a place of comfort and beauty.
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Samsung Facebook page shows Galaxy Note ICS mock-up

Android Central

Here's another Samsung render which has sparked off some online speculation, and this time it's come directly from the manufacturer itself. The Samsung Mobile USA Facebook page currently displays the image you see above to promote its "Spin & Win" promotion, which offers fans and their friends the chance to bag a shiny new Galaxy Note. The interesting thing is that the Note in the picture displays an odd combination of Gingerbread and ICS elements. You've got the ICS launcher and icon set, but with Gingerbread-style labels, the old Android 2.x search widget and the TouchWiz notification bar.

We're not sure exactly what, if anything, we should make of this. It's certainly too early to jump to the conclusion, as some have done, that Samsung's ditching TouchWiz in its ICS update for the Note. After all, the current crop of Android 4.0 leaks for the international Note have been TouchWiz'd, just like the recent Galaxy S II update. So we don't know what deal is with this particular mock-up, but we're willing to bet that when ICS eventually hits the Galaxy Note, it'll look more like TouchWiz than what you see above.

Any more ideas or speculation? Let us know what you think in the comments!

Source: Samsung Mobile USA on Facebook


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Sunday, March 11, 2012

ARTICLES MANIAC ? Concrete Garden Benches: Lasting Beauty ...

Gardening is a fun thing to do and many people slave over their yards trying to make them perfect. Installing concrete garden benches can be a fantastic way to relax and enjoy what you have accomplished.

Learning more about these amazing stone structures can help you figure out if they are right for you or not. Think about your own habits outside and really objectively look at yourself. Do you like to sit outside after you are done gardening or are you heading inside as quickly as you can? Sitting outside can be very therapeutic.

If you have a certain theme or motif that you are going for in your yard, you can help further it along by having concrete tables and benches. Not only do these look great, but they also serve a functional purpose. You will never have to worry about them in the snow and the rain too. You can leave them out year round and know that they will be safe and still there for many years to come.

Concrete bench molds can be created for you so that you can have exactly what you want. There are many people who are picky when it comes to the way that their garden looks and they will not want plastic and cheap lawn furniture. Having molds made of what you want will deepen the respect that you have for nature.

A concrete bench will be a fantastic way to relax in your garden. You do a lot of hard work making sure your flowers and shrubs are beautiful; why not spend some time just relaxing near them? Sitting in your garden and contemplating life will be something that you should do on a regular basis.

Having a beautiful garden will take hard work and dedication. Sitting in your garden can be a favorite pastime, so get yourself concrete garden benches to enjoy it from.

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Saturday, March 10, 2012

Pregnancy Health, Diet and Exercise Tips | New Health and Fitness

New Health And Fitness.Org - Health Information You Can Use

Do not be scared to ask for help with lifting things when you are a pregnant. Lifting heavy things can cause miscarriages or stress on your baby, not to mention that it can cause back strains. Instead, have someone else lift heavy objects for you, even if you do not think it is dangerous to lift it.

Take a child birthing class. These classes will help you near the end of your pregnancy. They will teach you exactly what to expect, and your partner should go along to. You will probably watch a movie of someone giving birth, learn a lot of new breathing exercises, and probably meet some new friends too.

Being sleepy in the first trimester is very normal. Your energy level will probably plummet as that baby is growing in leaps and bounds. Make sure that you get lots of extra rest. Go to bed early and if you can change your schedule, wake up later. Don?t be afraid to take a nap in the middle of the day either if you need it.

Eat for one! Many people think that because they are pregnant, they can eat as much as they want. This is not true. If you want to be able to get your body back after you give birth, you need to make sure that you only raise your calories by a very little bit (you should consume around 2,000 calories a day, no more!)

Keep a journal while you are pregnant. This will be something fun to look over when your child is grown, and it is also a great way to keep track of what is going on. If you are writing everything down, you will be able to notice quickly when any big changes occur.

Hire a doula. A doula is someone who is trained to be a birth coach. They can provide you with lots of support, ideas and strength during the labor of delivering your baby. They can assist your partner in being the best birth coach they can and also it gives you the comfort of having someone who is very experienced in the room with you.

Inform any doctor before a medical procedure if you are pregnant or planning on becoming pregnant. This includes your dentist as well. There are certain drugs that shouldn?t be given and procedures that shouldn?t be done for a women who is pregnant or on her way to pregnancy.

Start taking pregnancy belly pictures early. Many women like to have early pictures to compare against as the months pass. If you turn out not to want them, you don?t have to keep them, but you can?t decide later that you want to keep photographs that you never had taken.

Yoga is a great way to prepare for childbirth. This form of exercise helps with morning sickness and eases discomfort caused by back pain. The stretches used in yoga help cultivate the muscles used for birthing. Most pregnant woman find that they have less aches and pains and more energy while practicing yoga during pregnancy.

Recommended Pregnancy Blogs: Cant Get Pregnant Information About How to Get Pregnant

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Mobile phone Marketing Techniques For The Newest Cellular ...

We live in a brand new an enhanced electronic digital time. For virtually any enterprise desiring to be very competitive in this market place changes in getting to the client has to be produced. Cell phone advertising and marketing is much more of your requirement than ever before seeing that countless consumers entry data by way of their mobile devices.

Even though it is vital that you be simple in mobile phone communications, tend not to incorporate TXT shorthand within your emails to clients. No matter its overall acceptance, TXT abbreviations are unprofessional. You may find that buyers who accept shorthand are counterbalanced by the same quantity that get offense or are turned off by it. Steer clear of the complete balancing react and stick with proper vocabulary.

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Spend some time needed to learn how social media works, and how cell phone advertising will work correct in addition to it. You have to do the research or extract the knowledge from individuals who curently have it. Seek the services of a person if you want to and it will be worthwhile over time.

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Determine who your target demographic is made for mobile advertising and marketing prior to identifying your strategy. It?s most likely they like technologies, and if they?ve opted-in they like everything you have available. Focus on their wishes and needs by giving content material which strikes them where you know they may be previously very easily influenced, especially if it?s new modern technology.

As was stated at the beginning of the article, many people are considering cell phone advertising and marketing yet are undecided how to start. When you know the correct way to make use of this path, the whole process of doing the work gets to be incredibly easier. Utilize this article?s advice and you may be on your journey to using mobile phone advertising and marketing with ease.

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