Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Team Blogs, Team Speaking, Team Writing and other Teams things ?

By Tiffany Colter


Welcome to June!!

I love this time of year. Up here in Northwest Ohio June means warmer temperatures and baseball games. I grew up as a kid at the little league park watching my brothers play ball. Now I love to go with my husband and daughters to watch MudHens games whenever we get a chance.

Teams work well in business too. Companies can offer affiliate programs [where you pay a percentage of sales to the person who got the sale] to increase their sales and get exposure to an entirely new group of people.

When I speak places I often carry with me the business cards, fliers, or information for other writers. That is because I love promoting other writers and I want them to promote me.

Today, I want you to think about the kinds of teams you could be creating to help the various areas of your writing business. Are there authors who write in a similar genre? Consider offering book bundles for a discount price when you are doing a signing.

Are you a speaker? See if you can carry products for other speakers who speak on similar?though not competing?topics. By splitting the profits you are both making more money without extra work.

Another possibility is if you are doing a retreat, have two or three of you doing it together. Each of you invite people and all of you earn more.

And if you aren?t a speaker or a published author, maybe you just want to have guest bloggers or articles by others. Why not contact them and invite them to write for your blog.

All of these are great ways to add value to the people you market to while also bringing yourself additional exposure and?possibly?money.

We are doing this here at Writing Career Coach. Timothy Burns has been gracious enough to let us share his 6 week teaching on Social Media. I?m really excited about this and I hope it will help you market even better!!

If you?d like to know about carrying Writing Career Coach training and products at your events, on your website, or in your group, let me know. Use the Contact Page tab or email me at

Also, if you have an event where you?d like us to speak, we?d love to come. We will have Jen Stephens, our Events Liason, contact you. Just use the same contact information above.

See, one of the first things I did in the early days of Writing Career Coach was I invited writers who knew things that I didn?t know to come to my website. Soon readers realized that they didn?t have to read lots of other blogs and websites?they just needed to read mine and a few more. I was doing it because I loved learning from people wiser than me. What I didn?t realize is that I was exercising one of the keys to strong business, ?Give and it will be given back to you.? Over the years some of those aspiring writers have become successful writers and they?ve remembered me.

And as I?ve grown increasingly visible and successful I?ve worked to remember the people who supported me along the way.

Build teams! Whether in Baseball or in Business, it is the key to winning the game [and having fun during the process.]

Your Coach for the Journey, Tiffany Colter, The Writing Career Coach

Don?t miss a single posting! Subscribe here to receive these postings by e-mail. Tiffany Colter is a writer, speaker and writing career coach who works with beginner to published writers. She can be reached through her website at

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