Thursday, October 18, 2012

Are You Turning Off Potential Customers with Pop-Up Marketing?

When it comes to online marketing, if you follow best practices you?ll see greater success. Capitalize on your new leads by managing your contacts and sales cycle with the help of a simple CRM and sales app like Base.


Marketing ?success doesn?t always happen overnight. Businesses usually have to work hard at it. Marketing takes time and trial and error to figure out what works well for your niche and your existing and target customers.

But while you work at trying to leverage different methods and figure out what can help you build stronger relationships with customers and attract new potential customers, be sure you?re not inadvertently turning people off.

Pop-up marketing tactics are one area that most businesses should try to steer well clear.

What is meant by pop-up marketing tactics?

You?ve been in this scenario?

You?re led to a webpage, wanting to read something or get some information and then a window pops up and gets in your way.? Sometimes, it?s like the popup follows you as you try to scroll past it.? That window tells you about a special offer, tries to get you to subscribe to something, or offers you a chance to dress up a smiley avatar in bedazzled clothing.

How annoying is that?

Be Genuine in Your Offerings

Some informational sites will try to get people to opt-in by giving them a sneak peek of their content and then require them to pay for the balance of the info.

As the old adage goes, you?ll attract more flies with honey than with vinegar. If people get to your site fully expecting something and you don?t deliver, they probably won?t buy that other thing you?re selling. Conversely, if people arrive and see valuable info and a professional approach, they will be more likely to delve deeper than they will if your marketing tactics seem aggressive or underhanded.

Most people get turned off quickly, especially if they have trouble finding a way around a pop-up window. Some advertisers even try to trick you with a fake-looking ?x? in the corner that really is a doorway to yet another window.? Not only are you going to be annoyed but you?re probably not going to think very highly of a website that uses deceptive tactics.

There?s a Time and a Place

Internet surfers are often impatient and unforgiving.? These types of marketing tactics may have a place on gaming sites and other entertainment sites where people are willing to endure a bit of advertising.? However, business sites and information sites should be careful about this type of tactic, especially if you?re in a competitive industry.

Yes, its ok to advertise. It?s also smart to try to capture opt-in information. But if you are too aggressive or behave in a way that is perceived as sneaky, it won?t likely get you very far.

The Email Pop-Up Equivalent

Some business owners tempt fate in other ways, like with their email marketing. Disregarding best practices, some companies start mailing lists that don?t include an official opt-in method.? Don?t send unsolicited commercial email. It turns people off and it?s actually illegal.

If you?re lucky enough to get people opting-in to receive emails from you, handle it with kid gloves or you?ll lose that privilege fast. ?Some businesses try to use email subject lines sneakily in an effort to get someone?s attention.? Make sure your headlines deliver on their promises or your next email probably won?t get opened.

Just like a lot of people now see through transparent snake oil salesmen pitches and cold calling techniques, people are getting very savvy with internet marketing tricks, too. Treat your website visitors like valued customers or prospects instead of targets and you?ll likely see better results.

Whether marketing with email, banner ads, a subscription offer, contextual ads, or via another method, your best approach is to always strive to provide value and a positive customer appearance.? Yes, you can ask for a newsletter opt-in but do it in a less obtrusive way than forcing someone and you?ll have more success.

Dana Prince writes for Future Simple?s Growth University. Dana blends her passion for entrepreneurship with experience in software licensing sales, product management, online marketing, and SEO writing to run Dana Prince Writing, a web writing agency that creates optimized content that helps websites succeed.


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