Saturday, September 8, 2012

Actress Elaine C. Smith Lost her Mom to Breast Cancer | Strollerderby

Screen Shot 2012 09 07 at 2.41.31 PM 288x300 Is the Most Effective Breast Cancer PSA One that Shows Real Breasts, Like This One? (VIDEO)

One of the few moments in the commercial when real breasts aren't being shown

Most women hopefully know if they feel a lump in their breast to get checked by a doctor to rule out the possibility of breast cancer.

But a lump isn?t the only sign that there might be a problem. The Scottish government is trying to drive that point home to women in Scotland. On television.

Actress Elaine C. Smith appears in a new breast cancer awareness commercial in which real, lump-free breasts that could still be symptomatic of breast cancer are shown on poster boards.

The ad really isn?t shocking, unless you think seeing real breasts on regular TV is shocking. What it is is educational for women who didn?t know there could be so many other signs of a problem.

The ad is short, poignant and to-the-point, and it features naked breasts, which will hopefully help some women detect an awful disease before it becomes deadly. Unfortunately the ad is only being shown after 9 p.m., and only in Scotland, but at least it?s a start.

Take a look:

Warning: This video might be NSFW, depending on where you work.

Source: BuzzFeed

Photo & video credit: YouTube

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 Is the Most Effective Breast Cancer PSA One that Shows Real Breasts, Like This One? (VIDEO)


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