Friday, August 31, 2012

On hookup culture as a 'delay tactic' in one's 'sexual career ...

In 2004, Elizabeth Armstrong, then a sociologist at Indiana University, and Laura Hamilton, a young graduate student, set out to do a study on sexual abuse in college students? relationships. They applied for permission to interview women on a single floor of what was known as a ?party dorm? at a state university in the Midwest. About two-thirds of the students came from what they called ?more privileged? backgrounds, meaning they had financial support from their parents, who were probably college-educated themselves. A third came from less privileged families; they supported themselves and were probably the first in their family to go to college. The researchers found their first day of interviewing so enlightening that they decided to ask the administration if they could stay on campus for four years and track the 53 women?s romantic lives.

Women in the dorm complained to the researchers about the double standard, about being called sluts, about not being treated with respect. But what emerged from four years of research was the sense that hooking up was part of a larger romantic strategy, part of what Armstrong came to think of as a ?sexual career.??For an upwardly mobile, ambitious young woman, hookups were a way to dip into relationships without disrupting her self-development or schoolwork. Hookups functioned as a ?delay tactic,? Armstrong writes, because the immediate priority, for the privileged women at least, was setting themselves up for a career. ?If I want to maintain the lifestyle that I?ve grown up with,? one woman told Armstrong, ?I have to work. I just don?t see myself being someone who marries young and lives off of some boy?s money.? Or from another woman: ?I want to get secure in a city and in a job?? I?m not in any hurry at all. As long as I?m married by 30, I?m good.?

The women still had to deal with the old-fashioned burden of protecting their personal reputations, but in the long view, what they really wanted to protect was their future professional reputations. ?Rather than struggling to get into relationships,? Armstrong reported, women ?had to work to avoid them.? (One woman lied to an interested guy, portraying herself as ?extremely conservative? to avoid dating him.) Many did not want a relationship to steal time away from their friendships or studying.

Armstrong and Hamilton had come looking for sexual victims. Instead, at this university, and even more so at other, more prestigious universities they studied, they found the opposite: women who were managing their romantic lives like savvy headhunters. ?The ambitious women calculate that having a relationship would be like a four-credit class, and they don?t always have time for it, so instead they opt for a lighter hookup,? Armstrong told me.

The women described boyfriends as ?too greedy? and relation?ships as ?too involved.? One woman ?with no shortage of admirers? explained, ?I know this sounds really pathetic and you probably think I am lying, but there are so many other things going on right now that it?s really not something high up on my list?? I know that?s such a lame-ass excuse, but it?s true.? The women wanted to study or hang out with friends or just be ?100?percent selfish,? as one said. ?I have the rest of my life to devote to a husband or kids or my job.? Some even purposely had what one might think of as fake boyfriends, whom they considered sub?marriage quality, and weren?t genuinely attached to. ?He fits my needs now, because I don?t want to get married now,? one said. ?I don?t want anyone else to influence what I do after I graduate.?

The most revealing parts of the study emerge from the interviews with the less privileged women. They came to college mostly with boyfriends back home and the expectation of living a life similar to their parents?, piloting toward an early marriage. They were still fairly conservative and found the hookup culture initially alienating (?Those rich bitches are way slutty? is how Armstrong summarizes their attitude). They felt trapped between the choice of marrying the kind of disastrous hometown guy who never gets off the couch, and will steal their credit card?or joining a sexual culture that made them uncomfortable. The ones who chose the first option were considered the dorm tragedies, women who had succumbed to some Victorian-style delusion. ?She would always talk about how she couldn?t wait to get married and have babies,? one woman said about her working-class friend. ?It was just like,?Whoa. I?m 18?? Slow down. You know? Then she just crazy dropped out of school and wouldn?t contact any of us?? The way I see it is that she?s from a really small town, and that?s what everyone in her town does?? [they] get married and have babies.?

Most of the women considered success stories by their dormmates had a revelation and revised their plan, setting themselves on what was universally considered the path to success. ?Now I?m like,?I don?t even need to be getting married yet [or] have kids,? one of the less privileged women told the researchers in her senior year. ?All of [my brother?s] friends, 17-to-20-year-old girls, have their?? babies, and I?m like,?Oh my God???Now I?ll be able to do something else for a couple years before I settle down?? before I worry about kids.? The hookup culture opened her horizons. She could study and work and date, and live on temporary intimacy. She could find her way to professional success, and then get married.

?Hanna Rosin, ?Boys on the Side? (bolding mine)

Breaking news: hooking up may in fact be an exhibition of young women?s agency and desire to manage sexual desire against other competing goals like career and friendships. Sorry sexual panickers.

But clearly class matters in distinguishing how women negotiating against these different norms. I LOLed at Susan Walsh?s line that this was featured in?The Atlantic, ?the unrivaled go-to source for all stories describing the educated female?s life trajectory and meteoric rise to financial success and emotional independence.? I wouldn?t expect The Atlantic?to focus more on how socio-economic status changes these dynamics, so I?ll hold out for Rosin?s book before making Walsh?s critique.

Also sexuality matters. What about the lesbian and bi ladies?does this apply? Or is this just a straight girl strategy? Nobody?s gonna know if we don?t do the research.


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South Florida 4th Annual Jamaica High School Alumni Soccer & Netball Tournament

LAUDERHILL ? Scores of Jamaica?s high school alumni and sports enthusiasts will make way to the Lauderhill Sports Complex for the exciting South Florida 4th Annual Jamaica High School Alumni Soccer and Netball Tournament this Labor Day Weekend. The Sports Complex, located at 7500 West Oakland Park Boulevard, Lauderhill, Florida 33319, will roar to life on Sunday, September 2nd at 10am through 6pm and again on Monday September 3rd from 10am through 9pm.

The tournament is expected to be bigger and better than last year?s staging as twenty-four teams compete to win the National Weekly Championship Trophy and a cash prize. The champions also win the honor of giving back to their high schools in Jamaica as they also win a donation of sporting equipment for their Alma Mater.

?I think JHSASN have started a wonderful thing in hosting this alumni soccer tournament, which in turn benefits the Alma Mater of the winning team. This is a very good idea and I hope more alumni will get involved so we can, through JHSASN, be able to give back more to our Jamaican schools in an attempt to affect the lives of our current and future students for many more years,? says Ms. Rosemary Boothe, Treasurer, St Mary High School Alumni Association, South Florida Chapter, and 2011 defending champions.

We encourage all past students to come wearing their school colors and participate in the festivities as we introduce the Jamaica High School Alumni Sporting Network (JHSASN) Alumni Village. The Alumni Village gives all Alumni Associations the opportunity to build their membership base by networking and recruiting new members, showcasing and selling their Alumni memorabilia?s and merchandise while competing to win a prize for the best school spirit. The event is also a way for Jamaica high school past students to come together in a reunion setting, in an attempt to relive their past exploits in a fun and entertaining competitive sports arena.

JHSASN proudly welcome this year?s Alumni Soccer Teams: St. Mary High, Cornwall College, Camperdown, Calabar, Wolmers, Excelsior, Herbert Morrison, Ruseas, STETHS, St Mary's College, Mannings, Meadowbrook, Ferncourt, Titchfield, William Knibb and Kingston College. Netball: Vere Technical, Mt. Alvernia High, Excelsior High, Herbert Morrison Technical, Dunoon Technical, St Hilda's High, Queens High, Meadowbrook High, Ardenne High.

?We are coming with blood in our eyes to defend our title? says St Mary?s High, JHSASN defending champions.

2011 Winners: Netball-Vere Technical, Soccer- St Mary High School

For more information about the South Florida Jamaica High School Alumni Soccer and Netball Tournament or the Jamaica High School Alumni Sporting Network (JHSASN) please log on to our website at


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Leslie Spry, M.D., FACP: Do You Know Your Family Health History ...

As you fire up the grill this weekend and enjoy the last days of summer surrounded by family, there's an important discussion you should have. It's about your family's health history. Most of us don't realize that our family tree plays a pretty important role in determining our own health. Beyond Dad's freckles, Mom's blue eyes and Grandma's math gene, what else has been passed down for generations? Health issues are inherited and knowing your history is critical.

Crack the Code

Human DNA code has been broken, the human genome has been sequenced and the genetic causes of many diseases have now been recognized. Hypertension, diabetes, heart disease, cancer, osteoporosis, kidney stones and kidney disease are all known to be transmitted in families. Polycystic kidney disease is the most common genetic kidney disease and we know the exact chromosome and gene that is responsible for it. The National Kidney Foundation encourages you to take the opportunity during this holiday weekend to talk to your family members about your clan's history of kidney disease and its two leading causes -- hypertension and diabetes.

Make a List

The people lounging on the hammock and spiking your punch today may have the answers to your health issues of tomorrow. While this conversation may be a little heavy for the occasion, the gathering of so many family members is an opportunity you can't afford to miss. It's never easy to discuss medical conditions and mortality, so think of an ice-breaker and jump in. Don't leave the patio until you know the medical history of your grandparents on both sides of the family, both your parents and their brothers and sisters. It helps to make a list of all the members of your immediate family, including their names and relationship to you. Ask about any major illnesses, hospitalizations and causes of death. Find out if there have been any unusual medical events in your family. A history of dialysis or transplantation will give you a clue that kidney disease may run in your family. There is even a website that can help you record your family history.

Rate Your Risk

Approximately 11 percent of the adult United States population has kidney disease. But if you have a family history of kidney failure, diabetes, or hypertension, your risk of developing kidney failure may be as high as 1 in 5. If you have a known risk factor, it helps your doctor realize that you should be screened for diseases that may be transmitted genetically in your family. Racial genetics are also risk factors. If you are African American, Asian, Hispanic, American Indian, or Pacific Islander, you are at increased risk for kidney disease.

Act on Your Family History

Once you know you have a risk factor, you need to be tested. Screening for kidney function involves blood and urine testing. If you are diagnosed with kidney disease, you should go back and share this with your family members so that they can be aware of their own risk.

Genetic Testing -- Know What You're Looking For

There are a number of genetic diseases, including polycystic kidney disease and Alport's syndrome that can now be tested in the lab. Once kidney disease is known to be present, a blood sample from a family member can be used to test for others with the genetic disease. Currently, there is no universal blood test that screens for all genetic diseases -- you must know what you are looking for in order to find it.

This Labor Day, in between the bites of hamburger and cole slaw, take the time to talk to members of your family about this important issue. Your quick conversation might save your life or the life of a family member someday.

For more by Leslie Spry, M.D., FACP, click here.

Fore more on personal health, click here.


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Thursday, August 30, 2012

Sony Making Console Wars Movie, Declaring Playstation Victor ...

Could this be THE SOCIAL NETWORK of video games?

Remember when you were all skeptical that a Facebook movie could work? Prepare to be skeptical that a movie about video game consoles could work. According to Fusible, Sony has latched on to a whole bunch of domain names, and they all have something in common:

Console wars, of course, seems to refer to the endless competition between video game consoles. But which war? Nintendo vs Master System? Xbox vs Playstation? 360 vs PS3? Or the next generation console war, which is probably ginning up behind the scenes as we speak?

Kris Tapley of In Contention tweeted that the project, which he described as 'awesome,' was being pitched exactly as?The Social Network?of video games.

I think it probably has to be about Microsoft vs Sony, just because I'm having a hard time picturing a major movie studio making a 1980s period piece starring all Japanese actors. And because Sony would like to market their own video game system, thank you very much.

But what's the larger story here? Is there scandal and drama that I don't know about in the history of Xbox vs PlayStation? You tell me, I seriously have no idea.


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Michael Douglas Heads for Reykjavik

While Michael Douglas stole our hearts as President Andrew Shepard in "The American President," it looks like the actor is now going back to The White House.

According to The Hollywood Reporter, Doulas is in talks to play President Ronald Reagan in the upcoming indie film, "Reykjavik." Set over the course of a few days in 1986, the film centers on the peace talks between Reagan and Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev during the wake of the Chernobyl disaster. (Alternate title: "When Reagan met Gorbachev.")

Ridley Scott is set to produce the film with Mike Newell ("Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire"), who is in talks to direct. The role of Gorbachev has yet to be cast.

"Reykjavik" will be financed by Participant Media, who backed the award-winning environmental documentary "An Inconvenient Truth."

This film isn't the only upcoming project that features an actor portraying Reagan. In "The Butler," Alan Rickman will play the late president (Jane Fonda is set to play his wife, Nancy).

[via THR]

Earlier on Moviefone:

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Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Video: Koala swims to paddle boat, hitches a ride

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Republicans nominate Romney at storm-hit convention

TAMPA, Florida (Reuters) - Republicans nominated Mitt Romney on Tuesday to challenge President Barack Obama for the White House, kicking off their storm-delayed convention with a barrage of sharp attacks on Obama's economic leadership.

The formal nomination of Romney and his running mate, Paul Ryan, sets up a two-month final dash to the November 6 election. Opinion polls show Romney running even with or slightly behind the Democratic president.

The convention's opening was pushed back a day by a storm threat, but Republicans wasted no time in condemning Obama's economic record and reminding voters of the stubbornly high national unemployment rate and growing budget deficit.

Reince Priebus, chairman of the Republican National Committee, warned that re-electing Obama would mean "four more years of failure."

"We have a message for America: Elect Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan and they'll get America working again," he said to loud cheers. "We must send America's comeback team to Washington."

But as Republicans tried to show a united front against Obama, it was clear on Tuesday that bitter divisions within their party have not been resolved.

Supporters of libertarian congressman Ron Paul of Texas and other conservative activists briefly disrupted the opening session, booing a decision to unseat Paul delegates from Maine and institute rules changes they believe will weaken their power in the next election cycle.

The rules changes, approved by the convention on a voice vote, will bind delegates to the results of a statewide vote and reduce the role of smaller state-level conventions where Paul had success.

Opponents of the move said that Romney's operatives and the party's establishment were trying to freeze them out. Some noted that in the state-by-state roll call of delegates to count votes for the presidential nomination, only Romney's vote totals were announced from the podium.

"We were disenfranchised by our party. We won't participate with this chaos," said Russell Montgomery, 52, of St. George, Maine. "We won't legitimize this fiasco. This is as bad as the other party - the corruption."

The opening night will be capped by prime-time speeches by Romney's wife, Ann, and New Jersey Governor Chris Christie.

Romney, who had originally planned to stay out of the spotlight until Thursday night when he accepts his party's nomination, made an early appearance in the Florida host city to be on hand for his wife's turn at the podium.

Republicans hope to use the convention to make an aggressive argument for booting Obama from office while presenting a softer side of Romney, who is struggling to overcome a "likability gap" with the president and refute critics who paint him as a job-killing, out-of-touch former private equity executive.

In excerpts of her speech, Ann Romney said her husband has attacked every challenge he has faced - from reviving the struggling Salt Lake City Olympics to helping her battle multiple sclerosis and breast cancer.

"At every turn in his life, this man I met at a high school dance has helped lift up others," Romney, 63, will tell the convention.

"This is the man who will wake up every day with the determination to solve the problems that others say can't be solved, to fix what others say is beyond repair," she said. "This is the man who will work harder than anyone so that we can work a little less hard."


Republicans have hoped their convention will not be overshadowed by Hurricane Isaac, forecast to hit in the New Orleans area seven years after it was devastated by Hurricane Katrina. They also have worried about being seen celebrating Romney's nomination while swathes of the Gulf Coast were under storm threat.

While Tampa was spared the brunt of Isaac, a destructive landfall in Louisiana in the next day or so could create uncomfortable split-screen television images of the convention juxtaposed with the hurricane.

The Republican gathering will culminate with Romney's nationally televised acceptance speech on Thursday, the biggest speaking engagement of his political life.

Obama, campaigning in Iowa and Colorado, dismissed the Republican attacks and said the agenda his political foes were rolling out in Tampa made for a "pretty entertaining show."

He said Romney's economic plan would benefit the rich at the expense of the middle class.

"In just over two months, you will make a choice about which path we take, and it's going to be a stark choice," he told a campaign rally at Iowa State University in Ames, Iowa.

The Republicans' headline speakers later on Tuesday night are expected to keep making their party's case against Obama while arguing that Romney could do a better job.

Expectations are high for the keynote speech by Christie, New Jersey's confrontational governor, which is likely to be heavy on red-meat rhetoric for conservatives.

Many Republicans like Christie's in-your-face style, which contrasts with Romney's stiff demeanor and has made him a rising political star.

"You start turning it around tonight," Christie told ABC's "Good Morning America" program when asked how to overcome some voters' lack of enthusiasm for Romney.

Vice presidential contender Ryan, a Wisconsin congressman, tops the bill of speakers on Wednesday.

(Additional reporting by Steve Holland, Andy Sullivan, Sam Youngman and Sam Jacobs; Editing by Alistair Bell and Leslie Adler)


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Is Motorola announcing an Intel Medfield-powered phone on September 18th?

Is Motorola announcing a Intel Medfieldpowered phone on September 18th

Our calendar in September is starting to fill up rather rapidly, with Motorola asking us to come to its second announcement in a month on September 18th. Intel's co-signed the ticket, with the partnership offering to "take us to the edge" for an exciting announcement from the pair. We're kinda assuming it's got something to do with Santa Clara's mobile chip offerings, since the companies teamed up for a "multi-year, multi-device" partnership in January that promised fresh hardware from the pair arrive in the second half of 2012.

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Is Motorola announcing an Intel Medfield-powered phone on September 18th? originally appeared on Engadget on Wed, 29 Aug 2012 07:50:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Video: Herman Cain: Nine questions with Mr. 999 (cbsnews)

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Republican National Convention 2012: Big GOP Names Convene In Tampa (PHOTOS)

  • Mitch McConnell

    Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell of Ky. bchecks out the stage at the Republican National Convention inside the Tampa Bay Times Forum, Monday, Aug. 27, 2012, in Tampa, Fla. (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite)

  • 2012 Republican National Convention Delayed By Tropical Storm Isaac

    TAMPA, FL - AUGUST 27: Stage workers continue to make last-minute adjustments to the main stage at the Tampa Bay Times Forum on the abbreviated first day of the Republican National Convention August 27, 2012 in Tampa, Florida. Organizers decided to delay the start of the convention as the projected path of Tropical Storm Isaac' put the storm blowing past Tampa and into the Gulf of Mexico. (Photo by Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images)

  • A Coast Guard patrol boat cruises past the Tampa Bay Times Forum in Tampa, Fla., Monday, Aug. 27, 2012. The start of the Republican National Convention, being held at the facility, has been delayed because of the approaching tropical storm Isaac. (AP Photo/Dave Martin)

  • Judy Griffin, of Georgia, takes photos while wearing a hat with Republican Party buttons during the 2012 Tampa Bay Host Committee's welcoming event for the delegates of the Republican National Convention on Sunday, Aug. 26, 2012 at Tropicana Field in St. Petersburg, Fla. (AP Photo/The Tampa Tribune, Chris Urso, Pool)

  • Republican presidential candidate and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney campaign buttons are displayed ahead of the Republican National Convention in Tampa, Fla., on Sunday, Aug. 26, 2012. (AP Photo/Jae C. Hong)

  • Herman Cain

    Supporters cheer as former Republican presidential candidate, businessman Herman Cain, speaks during a Unity Rally Sunday Aug. 26, 2012, in Tampa, Fla. (AP Photo/Chris O'Meara)


    William Temple (C), in colonial dress, and other Tea Party supporters cheer at the Tea Party Unity Rally at The River at Tampa Bay Church ahead of the Republican National Convention, in Tampa, Florida, on August 26, 2012. AFP PHOTO / ROBYN BECK (Photo credit should read ROBYN BECK/AFP/GettyImages)


    Supporters of US Republican presidential contender Ron Paul react during his speech at a rally at the Sun Dome of the University of South Florida in Tampa, Florida, on August 26, 2012. Thousands of Ron Paul supporters gathered in Sun Dome to show support for their candidate. AFP PHOTO/MLADEN ANTONOV (Photo credit should read MLADEN ANTONOV/AFP/GettyImages)


    A supporter of the US Republican presidential contender Ron Paul waves his portrait during a rally at the Sun Dome of the University of South Florida in Tampa, Florida, on August 26, 2012. Thousands of Ron Paul supporters gathered in Sun Dome to show support for their candidate. AFP PHOTO/MLADEN ANTONOV (Photo credit should read MLADEN ANTONOV/AFP/GettyImages)


    Supporters wave banners and a portret of US Republican presidential contender Ron Paul during a rally at the Sun Dome of the University of South Florida in Tampa, Florida, on August 26, 2012. Thousands of Ron Paul supporters gathered in Sun Dome to show support for their candidate. AFP PHOTO/MLADEN ANTONOV (Photo credit should read MLADEN ANTONOV/AFP/GettyImages)

  • Tampa Prepares For Republican National Convention And Potential Hurricane

    TAMPA, FL - AUGUST 26: South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley waves while standing at the podium with Stage manager Howard Kolins (R) ahead of the Republican National Convention at the Tampa Bay Times Forum on August 26, 2012 in Tampa, Florida. The RNC is scheduled to convene on August 27 and will hold its first session on August 28 as Tropical Storm Isaac threatens disruptions due to its proximity to the Florida peninsula. (Photo by Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images)

  • G.E. Smith

    Guitarist G.E. Smith rehearses at the Republican National Convention inside of the Tampa Bay Times Forum in Tampa, Fla., on Sunday, Aug. 26, 2012. (AP Photo/Lynne Sladky)

  • Scott Kiss

    Worker Patrick Gayle of Kissimmee, Fla. wipes the mirror-sided camera stands on the floor of the Republican National Convention in the Tampa Bay Times Forum in Tampa, Fla., on Sunday, Aug. 26, 2012. (AP Photo/Charlie Neibergall)

  • Workers prepare the stage for the Republican National Convention inside the Tampa Bay Times Forum, Saturday, Aug. 25, 2012, in Tampa, Fla. (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite)

  • Jason Chaffetz

    Rep. Jason Chaffetz, R-Utah, stands on the stage during preparation for the Republican National Convention festivities inside the Tampa Bay Times Forum, Saturday, Aug. 25, 2012, in Tampa, Fla. (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite)

  • Workers prepare the stage for the Republican National Convention inside the Tampa Bay Times Forum, Saturday, Aug. 25, 2012, in Tampa, Fla. (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite)

  • Jason Chaffetz

    Rep. Jason Chaffetz, R-Utah, gets a look at the stage during preparation for the Republican National Convention festivities inside the Tampa Bay Times Forum, Saturday, Aug. 25, 2012, in Tampa, Fla. (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite)

  • Workers prepare the stage for the Republican National Convention inside the Tampa Bay Times Forum, Saturday, Aug. 25, 2012, in Tampa, Fla. (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite)

  • Anthony Batri, from Largo, Fla., unfurls banners as preparations are made ahead of the Republican National Convention in Tampa, Fla., on Saturday, Aug. 25, 2012. (AP Photo/Dave Martin)

  • Workers prepare the stage for the Republican National Convention inside the Tampa Bay Times Forum in Tampa, Fla., on Saturday, Aug. 25, 2012. The political convention begins on Monday, Aug. 27th. (AP Photo/Dave Martin)

  • Workers prepare the stage for the Republican National Convention inside the Tampa Bay Times Forum in Tampa, Fla., on Saturday, Aug. 25, 2012. The political convention begins on Monday, Aug. 27th. (AP Photo/Dave Martin)

  • Riggers load nets full of balloons for the Republican National Convention festivities inside the Tampa Bay Times Forum, Friday, Aug. 24, 2012, in Tampa, Fla. (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite)

  • Riggers load nets full of balloons for the Republican National Convention festivities inside the Tampa Bay Times Forum, Friday, Aug. 24, 2012, in Tampa, Fla. (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite)

  • Tampa Prepares For Republican National Convention And Potential Hurricane

    TAMPA, FL - AUGUST 23: Video displays that will be used during the Republican National Convention are tested at the Tampa Bay Times Forum on August 23, 2012 in Tampa, Florida. The Republican convention is scheduled to begin in less than a week although Tropical Storm Isaac is threatening possible disruptions due to its proximity to the Florida peninsula. (Photo by Win McNamee/Getty Images)

  • Members of the media conduct interviews on the floor after the unveiling of the stage and podium for the 2012 Republican National Convention, Monday, Aug. 20, 2012, at the Tampa Bay Times Forum in Tampa, Fla. (AP Photo/Scott Iskowitz)

  • Reince Priebus, Willan Harris

    Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus, left, and convention CEO William Harris unveil the stage and podium for the 2012 Republican National Convention, Monday, Aug. 20, 2012, at the Tampa Bay Times Forum in Tampa, Fla. (AP Photo/Scott Iskowitz)

  • Reince Priebus, Willan Harris

    Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus, left, and convention CEO William Harris unveil the stage and podium for the 2012 Republican National Convention, Monday, Aug. 20, 2012, at the Tampa Bay Times Forum in Tampa, Fla. (AP Photo/Scott Iskowitz)

  • GOP Previews Site Of Republican National Convention

    TAMPA, FL - AUGUST 20: Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus unveils the stage inside of the Tampa Bay Times Forum in preparation for the Republican National Convention on August 20, 2012 in Tampa, Florida. Thousands will decend on Tampa for the four day convention which takes place August 27-30. (Photo by Tim Boyles/Getty Images)

  • GOP Previews Site Of Republican National Convention

    TAMPA, FL - AUGUST 20: News media report on the unveiling of the stage inside of the Tampa Bay Times Forum in preparation for the Republican National Convention on August 20, 2012 in Tampa, Florida. Thousands will decend on Tampa for the four day convention which takes place August 27-30. (Photo by Tim Boyles/Getty Images)

  • GOP Previews Site Of Republican National Convention

    TAMPA, FL - AUGUST 20: A worker walks past the stage inside of the Tampa Bay Times Forum in preparation for the Republican National Convention on August 20, 2012 in Tampa, Florida. Thousands will decend on Tampa for the four day convention which takes place August 27-30. (Photo by Tim Boyles/Getty Images)

  • GOP Previews Site Of Republican National Convention

    TAMPA, FL - AUGUST 20: A woman walks in front of the stage inside of the Tampa Bay Times Forum in preparation for the Republican National Convention on August 20, 2012 in Tampa, Florida. Thousands will decend on Tampa for the four day convention which takes place August 27-30. (Photo by Tim Boyles/Getty Images)

  • This photo taken Monday, Aug. 13, 2012 shows downtown Tampa, Fla. The Tampa Bay Times Forum, right, is the location of the Republican National Convention, which will be held Aug. 27-30. Traffic caused by road closures and protests are a concern of downtown workers and residents. (AP Photo/Tamara Lush)


    Anti-Mitt Romney protesters march through the streets in Tampa, Florida, on August 26, 2012 ahead of the Republican National Convention. The 2012 Republican National Convention was scheduled to be held at the Tampa Bay Times Forum from August 27-30, 2012, but was cut short by one day due to incoming severe weather and possible hurricane conditions. AFP PHOTO Robyn BECK (Photo credit should read ROBYN BECK/AFP/GettyImages)

  • Source:

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    Monday, August 27, 2012

    4 Signs for Women to Check Out Every Morning - Health Niche

    If you have a close look on your body, there will be number of symptoms you can detect beforehand. Also, you will easily figure out sudden changes like skin marks, white patches and others. A
    human body shows numerous changes as an indication that a serious disease is developing. And, if you catch the signs early, remedy and treatment is possible before it?s too late.

    This means you have to check out your body for any unusual signs. And, this you should do every morning. Here are 4 of those signs.

    1. Bright White Stripes on Nails

    White Stripes on Nails

    Everybody has white spots on their nails at some or the other point of time. But if there are long white stripes that are horizontal and show discoloration on the surface of the nail then it indicates you are fatigued. And, it is your kidneys that will suffer. This is an indication of your kidneys not able to filter protein from urine. And, this might result in kidney failure.

    2. Thin Hair on Scalp

    Extreme hair loss indicates thyroid disorder. When you see many hair strands on your hair brush, it means your thyroid gland has gone out of order. This will make your hair fragile and rough. Go and
    consult a doctor. He would figure out if this level is too high or too less. And, provide you medication for the same.

    3. Undereye Circles that don?t Fade Away

    Undereye Circles

    If you don?t stay up late or have excessive work to do and then too you have dark circles that refuse to go away, indications are that you are developing allergies. In this case, you have to consult a
    doctor; he would suggest you to get a test done. On the basis of its result, the allergen that is causing dark circles will be known.

    4. Dark, Rough Skin in Armpits

    Rough Skin
    If you are not obsessed with self-tanning then this might be the result of diabetes. Abnormal levels of insulin in bloodstream results in multiplication of skin cells rapidly. And, as a result skin looks
    thicker and darker. Get a test for diabetes done to determine whether you suffer from the disease or not.

    There are many signs you need to be aware of. Don?t ignore even a small skin eruption or a red/white mark. At once, consult a physician and confirm the cause of abnormal signs.

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    First man on the moon Neil Armstrong dies at 82 WORLD NEWS ...

    August 26, 2012

    ? The Editor World News Tomorrow

    World News

    WORLD NEWS ? US astronaut Neil Armstrong, the first man to walk on the moon, died at the age of 82 on Saturday after suffering complications from heart bypass surgery.

    President Barack Obama said Armstrong ?delivered a moment of human achievement that will be never be forgotten? and called him ?one of the greatest American heroes of all time?.

    It was a label that Armstrong himself was never comfortable with.

    He shunned the limelight for years after that famous flight, refusing to give interviews or sign autographs.

    Armstrong said he did not want to be ?a living memorial.?

    His pre-NASA career was spent serving in the US navy during the Korean War and as a test pilot for the military.

    But the Apollo 11 commander will perhaps always be remembered for uttering one of the most famous quotes in the English language on that night of July 20th 1969:

    ?One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.?


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    Could Paul Ryan's small business ties aid the GOP? | The Salt Lake ...

    (FILE | The Associated Press) In this Monday, June 18, 2012, file photo, Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Wis., looks on during a campaign event with Republican presidential candidate, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney at Monterey Mills in Janesville, Wis. When small business owners vote in the presidential election in November, one factor in their choice may be Paul Ryan?s ties to a small company, the construction firm in Janesville, whose roots go back to the business his great-grandfather started in 1884.

    New York ?

    On his way to becoming a congressman from his hometown of Janesville, Wis., Paul Ryan worked in a small business ? a construction company with roots that reach back to the firm that his great-grandfather started in 1884.

    Although the future GOP vice presidential candidate worked at Ryan Inc. Central doing marketing for just a short time ? from 1997-98 ? that experience may help the Romney-Ryan ticket. The obstacles that small businesses face hiring more workers are among the biggest issues in this presidential election. The perception that Ryan understands their problems could bring in votes ? even though he was chosen largely because of his conservative stance on federal spending.

    "I always appreciate folks who have spent time in the real world," says Nick Balletta, CEO of TalkPoint, a New York firm that runs online broadcasts for businesses. "In the real world, there?s payroll that needs to be made, bills that need to be paid and customers that need to be satisfied."

    The GOP might convince business owners that despite the brevity of Ryan?s time at the company that "it was a valid experience and he would be more likely to understand their situation," says Trey Grayson, director of Harvard University?s Institute of Politics. He also may appeal to independent voters including small business owners in parts of states like Wisconsin, Florida, Nevada, Illinois and Michigan that have struggled more than other areas of the country, says David McCuan, a political science professor at Sonoma State University in Rohnert Park, Calif.

    "Ryan helps at some level in certain states," he says. "It?s an open question of whether he helps in the big picture."

    Both Ryan and Vice President Joe Biden have spent almost all their working lives in politics. Biden was elected to the New Castle, Del., County Council shortly before he turned 27 and to the Senate when he was nearly 30. Ryan was 28 when he was elected to Congress. Biden?s resume doesn?t include time at a small business, but he talks about the financial struggles of his father, who lost money in business ventures, had to move in with Biden?s grandfather and had jobs that included cleaning boilers and managing a car dealership. That has helped voters identify with his middle-class childhood, McCuan says.

    "Biden does a really good job of connecting with the common working person" and that appeals to small business owners, he says.

    Ryan has that quality as well, and "brings that everyman kind of pitch" to the GOP ticket, McCuan says. That can mitigate the feeling among voters that Romney can?t connect with people, he says. But, he adds, both candidates look like a regular guy, someone you?d want to have a beer with.

    Biden?s experience as vice president is more relevant than his resume.? "No matter what the background of Joe Biden was before, that trumps everything else," Grayson says. ?

    story continues below

    Nonetheless, Ryan?s small business ties will likely come up during the campaign.

    Ryan Inc.?s operations include excavation and building site preparation for commercial and residential construction. It also builds golf courses and creates wetlands. Although it?s based in Janesville, much of its work is done elsewhere ? it has offices in Elgin, Ill., and Hagerstown, Md., and has worked on projects across the Midwest, Northeast and Southeast.

    "What we do is move piles of dirt from one place to another" using equipment like bulldozers, says Adam Ryan, company president and Paul Ryan?s cousin. Their grandfathers were brothers.

    The company has between 100 and 125 full-time employees at its three locations and during the construction season, that number rises to between 300 and 500 workers, Adam Ryan says. Ryan Inc. is small enough that it doesn?t make the list of the 40 biggest employers in Rock County, where Janesville is located. But the business is highly regarded in the city of nearly 64,000 because of the connection to the Ryan family, says Vic Grassman, Janesville?s director of economic development.

    The cousins went to high school together but didn?t work together at Ryan Inc. Adam joined the firm after Paul was elected to Congress. Paul Ryan, who earned less than $30,000 at Ryan Inc., helped the company "figure out what kind of work we should be pursuing," Adam says.

    "My recollection is that it did lead to projects for us," Adam says. Neither he nor the Romney campaign could provide specifics. Paul Ryan doesn?t have an ownership stake in the company, according to his cousin and the campaign.

    Like other Republican lawmakers, Paul Ryan has called for the repeal of the health care law that the Supreme Court upheld in June. He?s critical of government spending and regulations created under the Obama administration. Although Ryan and Romney have campaigned on issues like health care and regulations that affect small companies, Adam Ryan says his biggest concern as a small business owner is getting more sales in a construction environment that remains weak following the recession.

    Next Page >

    Copyright 2012 The Salt Lake Tribune. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


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    Calendars For Football and Rugby Fans

    Calendars can make wonderful gifts for friends and family, specific when they function photographs and pictures of the recipient?s favourite hobbies and interests. Sports calendars are common year after year, as they can feature wide varieties of sports such as football, rugby, moto gp, formula 1, cricket, wrestling and tennis to name but a couple of.

    Deciding on the ideal football calendar just comes down to making confident you choose 1 which attributes your loved one?s favourite group. All sorts of premiership and league a single group calendars are accessible on the market, as nicely as the Scottish Premier League and individuals teams in lower divisions. National calendars are also available, such as the England, Welsh or Scottish football team, as effectively as other nations from across the globe.

    Most individuals who acquire a football calendar like to have a look at photographs of their favourite footballers in action, as well as read snippets of data and facts about their team or the players. The majority of calendars also have lots of space for essential events and appointments to be jotted down, generating it not only an eye catching function but also a helpful a single also.

    Rugby fans also have a wide choice of calendars obtainable to them. National rugby teams often feature on a rugby calendar, as effectively as teams in the Rugby League and the Rugby Union. Choosing a humorous rugby calendar can also make an excellent gift for rugby fans. Cartoon images can be accompanied by funny captions to amuse even the most severe of rugby fans.

    As new calendars are inevitably developed year on year, producers continually have to come up with some eye catching designs which are as up to date as attainable. This can be created slightly difficult as the sporting seasons are usually different to the Gregorian calendar, so alterations inside teams such as football transfers are often not reflected in the final printed calendar. Nevertheless, sports fans realize this and will continue to proudly display their favourite team?s calendar for the duration of the year.

    For more information, please go to: the wanted calendar reviews


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    Sunday, August 26, 2012

    Explaining Critical Factors Of Website Design Minnesota | Argwal

    Correspondent Isidro O. B. Helms ? Web design expense is an area of interest for many in the online marketers but a good site is much more critical than concerning over Website Design Mn,Mn Web Design price tag as it would be your investment and will definitely give high return on your investment. Currently, the e-commerce or business through internet is easier and effortless, the purchasers can now purchase the full facts which enables it to contact the companies via their internet sites.

    Website design would be the science of developing a website?s structure according to the objective it is important for. For most of the firms, the state run site may be the core operator in their revenue growth and small business values. Web site plays a large part while in the advancement and increase of your organization over a wider scale i.e. globally. Taking into consideration this unbelievable and undeniable portion of a site it?s very a lot necessary for the company proprietors to shell out added focus towards advancement course of action.

    Web design does not imply to have only picture and graphics creating; in reality it includes every factor of the ?development? i.e. from creating a layout towards comprehensive coding and integration of technologies. It isn?t really clear that you ought to have your own web site designer or web page developer yet it?s better to have, or you can outsource it for any internet services firm or any freelance internet site designer, you could find many them on internet with sensible value and packages for the reason that IT marketplace has surely created a lot in fast several years.

    But as said before that you will find to become tiny cautious with regards to the website development on your business enterprise for that reason choosing the right web design firm or web site designer can be another tough activity to undertake. If you are web companies providers with economical web development value but be cautious around the superior at work they might provide back, Make sure you remember your internet site will probably be representing the niche of your company this is requirements so rather than opting for low-priced website design rate you need to give the first priority to quality and clarity.

    As said before that there are lots of IT firms and freelance webpage designer already in the market and each of these is going to be offering you their best prices for web design but it?s YOU that has to make a decision that both you intend to go with more cost-effective advancement selling price or excellence of the service- The choice is yours, but one factor is bound that your chosen business?s on the internet growth will heavily depend on your selected method for your internet-site i.e. website design price or good quality.


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    'Expendables 2' punches to 2nd box office win

    By Lisa Richwine and Chris Michaud , Reuters

    Action movie "Expendables 2" kept the No. 1 spot at U.S. and Canadian box offices for a second week as two new films provided light competition during a slow movie-going weekend.

    "Expendables 2" won the weekly race with $13.5 million in ticket sales from Friday through Sunday, according to studio estimates compiled by Reuters. The film, starring Sylvester Stallone, Arnold Schwarzenegger and other 1980s tough guys, has pulled in $52.3 million during two weekends in theaters.

    With Hollywood's big summer season winding down, studios did not release any superhero stories, sequels or big-budget blockbusters. New thriller "Premium Rush" finished seventh, taking in $6.3 million, while comedy "Hit & Run" debuted in the number-10 slot.

    Another action sequel, "The Bourne Legacy," landed in the No. 2 spot with $9.3 million at North American (U.S. and Canadian) theaters during its third weekend. The movie stars Jeremy Renner in a reboot of a spy franchise that previously featured Matt Damon.

    In third place, stop-motion family film "ParaNorman" pulled in $8.6 million. The movie, released a week ago, tells the story of a boy who helps save his town from a zombie invasion.

    Anti-Obama documentary "2016: Obama's America" made a strong showing in the No. 8 spot with domestic sales of $6.2 million. The movie made a limited debut in July but expanded to more than 1,000 theaters this weekend, just ahead of the Republican National Convention to nominate Mitt Romney as Obama's challenger in the presidential race.

    "Premium Rush" starring Joseph Gordon-Levitt earned $6.3 million. In the movie, Gordon-Levitt plays a bike messenger being chased through New York City by a cop who wants an envelope he's carrying.

    In fourth place, comedy "The Campaign" starring Will Farrell and Zach Galifianakis as opposing politicians grossed $7.4 million during its third weekend. Megahit "The Dark Knight Rises" took fifth with $7.2 million, bringing its total to $422.2 million since its July release.

    "We had great holds on both 'The Campaign' and 'The Dark Knight Rises,'" said Jeff Goldstein, executive vice president of theatrical distribution for Warner Bros. "Campaign" dropped 43 percent from a week earlier, while "Dark Knight Rises" fell just 35 percent.

    Low-budget "Hit & Run," produced for just $1.3 million, earned $4.7 million over the weekend. The movie tells the story of a man who risks his identity in the witness protection program when he drives his fiance to Los Angeles. Dax Shepard and Kristen Bell star.

    Lions Gate Entertainment released "Expendables 2." Universal Studios, a unit of Comcast Corp, released "Bourne Legacy," and the studio's Focus Features distributed "ParaNorman." Privately held Rocky Mountain Pictures released "2016: Obama's America."

    "Premium Rush" was released by Sony Corp's movie studio. Open Road Films, a joint venture between theater owners Regal Entertainment Group and privately held AMC Entertainment Inc, distributed "Hit & Run."

    Which movie did you see in theaters this weekend? Tell us on our Facebook page!

    More in NBC News Entertainment:


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    Saturday, August 25, 2012

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    U.S. Attorneys and the Contrived Prosecution of Victoria Sprouse (Theagitator)

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    #2: Madden NFL 13

    Madden NFL 13 is the 2012 release in Electronic Arts' celebrated American football video game release. Developed around the powerful, all-new Infinity game engine, Madden NFL 13 delivers a more engrossing, complete and realistic gridiron experience than any game before it. Key game features include: graphical presentation reminiscent of national television broadcasts, gameplay improvements such as a new pass-ready system, improved play action, and the all-new read and react defensive AI system, Madden social/play functionality, multiplayer support online and offline, and the ability to build the ultimate franchise as a coach, an NFL superstar, or yourself.


    Madden NFL 13 delivers world-class presentation with an all-new living front end, dynamic in-game transitions, a live ticker, and drastically improved usability. Every game has the feel of a nationally televised broadcast with CBS Sports commentators Jim Nantz and Phil Simms calling the action from the virtual 3D booth.

    Gameplay Improvements

    With a completely redesigned passing game, including a new pass-ready system, improved play action, and the all-new read and react defensive AI system that features the most intelligent pass defense to date, Madden NFL 13 achieves greater realism on the virtual gridiron on both sides of the ball. In addition, Madden NFL 13 delivers physics you can feel. Powered by the all-new Infinity game engine, true player impact and authentic momentum transfer ensure that no two plays ever look or feel the same.

    Connected Careers

    Live the NFL dream - whenever you want, wherever you want in a fully interactive, social, and connected online experience. Create your personal legacy or relive that of an all-time legend's as you build the ultimate franchise as a coach, an NFL superstar, or yourself. Manage your team from your console, the web, or mobile phone in a 24/7 world as NFL insiders and experts analyze, praise, and criticize every move along the way.

    Infinity Engine

    With Physics You Can Feel,?Madden NFL 13?delivers Next Generation gameplay today. Powered by the all-new Infinity Engine, true player impact and authentic momentum transfer ensure that no two plays ever look or feel the same.

    Madden Ultimate Team

    Madden NFL 13 Ultimate Team is the definitive way to experience virtual card collecting with new content and updates that mirror exciting NFL events throughout the entire year.

    Madden Social

    Madden NFL Social for Facebook brings a whole new way to enjoy Madden NFL Football from the comfort of your computer, laptop and tablet. You and all your friends are already on Facebook all day, so why not play the Facebook version of Madden against all your Facebook friends for free. No need for a TV, a console system, or even a lot of time. Play for a minute or play for hours, it's up to you. And when you're away from the computer, you can even transfer the entire, complete game to your iPhone iOS if you'd like to play on the go. Features include:

    Madden Crossfire

    Madden Crossfire is a multiplayer, turn-based football versus friends game mode. Complete a drive and pass it on. Play short drives, anywhere from just a few seconds to a few minutes. It's an offensive shootout. You don't have to control defense and there's no wait. Play out your drives with the new Madden mobile 3D gameplay engine. You can have multiple games going with different friends, even if you are on Facebook and they use their iPhone or iPad.

    Free to Play

    Start off with a full team of NFL players, absolutely free. Win coins for playing games. Use your earnings to build the ultimate lineup of NFL stars by purchasing new players and plays for coins in the game store. You can even sell or acquire players on the auction block for coins.

    Cross-platform Play

    You can take the game with you. Whether you are on your laptop at work or your mobile phone at home, start your game on either platform and continue it on another. You can use Facebook Connect to find your friends and start games or you can play on mobile without connecting to Facebook.

    Auction House

    Find the exact players you are looking for in the Auction House. Use the coins you've earned to make bids and acquire the best NFL players. You can also sell your own players on the auction block to build up more coins.

    Team Management

    Set your team up for success with talent on the field and a strong playbook. At the core of Madden NFL Social is a card-based team management system. Stocking your team with higher-rated players means a better chance of success when you take the field. In addition to players, you will be able to flesh out both your offensive and defensive playbooks by adding new plays. Both player cards and plays can be purchased with coins you'll earn from competing against other Madden NFL Social players.


    Enjoy the drama of every aspect of NFL play with friends through multiplayer support, both online and offline. The PlayStation version of Madden NFL 13 supports 1-4 players locally, and 2-6 players online at PlayStation Network.


    Madden NFL 13 delivers a superb audio experience that faithfully replicates NFL Sundays with CBS Sports' Jim Nantz and Phil Simms calling the action, QB cadences, authentic sound effects and actual on-field player chatter, all provided by NFL Films, and a fully-scored orchestral theme that conveys the emotion and excitement of professional football.

    Additional Screenshots


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    Friday, August 24, 2012

    Why Sedation Dentistry is Important for Patients with Dental Anxiety ...

    Many people hate seeing the dental professional because they are anxious about the possible physical pain they could experience from the oral processes. Oral sedation dentistry is a method that may allow a relaxing, stress-free dental care experience for people who have developed oral anxiousness. This may help individuals with an existing phobia of visiting their dental professional to get the dental care they require.

    Other people could endure from some other troubles, such as incapability to stay still. Lack of control over movement could risk the affected person as well as the dentist. Some individuals might have a challenge with enclosed spaces, and they may associate a dentists office with a thing they dread. These as well as other equivalent cases might call for sedation or sleep.

    The most frequent technique in sedation dentistry is the utilization of dental methods to tackle patient nervousness. It is a basic procedure that demands no hypodermic needles for management. It might be highly efficient in reducing patient anxiety that most report they may have slept throughout the complete dental procedure. The truth is a particular degree of consciousness could be maintained to get the cooperation of the patient as well as ensure their own general protection.

    Dental care sedation strategies can be specific from anesthesia methods. While its true that nitrous oxide gas may sedate as well as increase discomfort tolerance, many oral methods may still depend on just the use of a local anesthetic to numb the area even with sedation techniques used.

    One of the major advantages of choosing oral sedation dentistry could be its ability to alter the perception of time in people. This may makes you really feel that a two-hour treatment only lasted a couple of minutes. This might help deal with your anxiety so that your dental practitioner may be able to perform methods without having to bother about extra psychological shock.

    If you are seeking for sedation dentists who may help ease your distress during a dental care method, there are several concerns to be aware of, as this exercise needs a higher level of knowledge and training. The first element you have to cover is the degree of schooling of the dental practitioner. The ability of performing effective and safe sedation is actually taught only in a limited capacity in many oral schools. There are, nevertheless, specific continuing education seminars supplying the specialized training dental practitioners need to do this properly and appropriately. A sedation dental professional must undertake certification from the American Dental Society of Anesthesiology and the American Society of Dental Anesthesiologists. Speak with your dentist about experience from these institutions.

    Certified qualified sedation dentists will need to have appropriate in-office patient monitoring devices to look for the effects of sedation on the body. Some of the normal devices dentists should have ready include reverse medication drugs to prevent the sedative effects in case there is an hypersensitive reaction, a pulse oximeter unit to measure the level of blood oxygenation, oxygen administration equipment, and so on. Talk to your dental practitioner about the availability of these equipment in their clinics.


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    How to Organize Travel Insurance Online | Guibert Vacances

    A holiday vacation is meant to be fun, relaxing and worry-free. However, unexpected circumstances such as accidents or flight cancellation may cost you money, time and inconvenience especially if you are travelling without travel insurance. This is why you need to consider purchasing travel insurance suited for all your traveling needs. By thoroughly comparing your options, you can easily know which insurance you need, exactly. Looking for insurance is made even easier by doing it online.

    Step 1:
    Call your current insurance company. Ask if they provide travel insurance or if your current insurance covers local or overseas travels. This way, you avoid purchasing something that you no longer need. If you are informed that you do not have travel insurance yet, ask the operator if they offer one. If they have none, ask the operator for any recommendations regarding travel insurance options. Ask for a website or contact number, if possible.

    Step 2:
    Navigate to a travel insurance website. If you do not know any, search for travel insurance companies online and visit their websites one by one. Compare the prices offered by different providers. Read the policies and coverage to understand the insurance better. Find out if they have insurance packages and if they can customize your insurance need to avoid paying for unnecessary things. For example, if you are traveling with your family, you may want to avail of a group or family option. You may also want to choose a multi-trip insurance plan if you travel several times a year.

    Step 3:
    Once you have chosen an insurance company you like, navigate to the ?Contact Us? page and email them your inquiries. For faster transaction, look for their telephone number and contact them. Ask everything you want to ask and clarify anything that is unclear to you. Ask for a quotation of your insurance plan. If possible, purchase your insurance via phone. Just make sure that you are calling a legitimate number to ensure that your money is not put into waste. Some insurance companies allow you to purchase an insurance plan in their website while others require you to phone them for a more detailed service. If you are purchasing online, complete the application form and proceed to the payment process. If you are purchasing by phone, you will need to provide all the information that they need, including your credit card or bank details for payment.


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