Thursday, August 23, 2012

Links to this post - Family Home and Life: Wow Us Wednesday

Welcome everyone! Thanks for coming by. I look forward to seeing what is linked up this week. I seemed have been drawn towards projects that would work for kids this last week. For those whose kids haven't started back to school yet and need something to do.

This is a fun and easy project to make, and kids would love it from Wesens Art.
Posed Perfection shows you how how to make a super easy print, also kid friendly, but use tape over glass edges to keep them safe.
Remember shrinky dinks? Well it?s still around and still fun! See this tutorial at Crafty Journal.?How about making something for grandma, like a charm bracelet???
Here?s a fun craft for kids or adults with Halloween just around the corner?just saying! Have a look at Art Club Blog's post.
?I have started post my weekly favs on Facebook through out the week, stop by to see if I featured you! If you have been featured feel free to grab an 'I've Been Featured!' button.

Wow Us Wednesday is a link up for:

  • All items, projects or ideas made by you.... crafts, art, photography, furniture re-dos, organizational feats, recipes, money saving tips, decorating ideas, party plans, you name it!

  • Grandparents if you have a post about a fun grandchild activity or visit, you are eligible too. If it wows us, it belongs here on Wow Us Wednesday! Don?t forget to link back! ? a text link at the bottom of your post, or link somewhere on your blog is okay! Or grab my button below.

  • This link will be open until Friday noon if you forget on Wednesday.

  • I am starting an email reminder list (one day I will )? for this link party. Please make sure you enter your email when linking to be included. If you entered it last time you don't need to again. Thanks!

  • I love followers! Please consider following me in someway. Also please visit some other linkers and comment there too, ok?
  • Please link up to three post and please do not relink ones from the previous week. Link to the specific post, not your blog home page. No Etsy shops or giveaways, please!

    I would love to feature projects I choose and share them throughout the following week - by submitting a link to this party you are allowing authorization for your project to be featured with a photo from your post. Featured links will include a photo and a link back to the originating site.

Thank you so much for linking up with me. I'm sorry that time has not allowed me to stop by and comment on each link. Please know I appreciate you all!


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