Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Correct Five Bad Habits of Drinking Soup - Free Finance Business ...

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Many people like to drink soup, but do not think that drinking soup is very simple; in fact, it has many mysteries within it. Wrong methods of drinking soup will hurt the body health. In the following, nutritionists point out five daily bad habits and teach you the correct methods of drinking soup.


First, many people think that the essence of the soup exists in the soup, so only drinking soup is okay. In fact, no matter it is cooking chicken soup, beef soup or fish soup, even if it is boiled for several hours, the soup is very rich, but the protein of soup is only about 6% to 15%, more than 85% of the protein and nutrition is still in the meat, so only drinking soup is a pity.


Second, many people like to drink soup after meals. Western dishes are in accordance with the order of soup, and then the main course and vice meal; but Chinese food is end with soup. Because at this time, most of people are already full, then drinking soup easily lead to excess nutrients, resulting in obesity; and soup will dilute the gastric juice, affecting the digestion and absorption of food. So, first to drink soup is healthier and more effective to lose weight than drinking soup at last.


Third, some people like to drink hot soup. In fact, the mouth, esophagus, gastric mucosa of the human body can stand up to the temperature around 60 degrees Celsius, more than this temperature is likely to cause mucosal damage, so like to drink hot soup will increase the risk of esophageal cancer. Therefore, to wait soup cooler to drink is healthier.


Fourth, some people may have the condition that they drink soup with fast speed. When you drink soup with fast speed, until you are aware that you are full, you may have to eat too much, which easily lead to obesity. You should drink soup slowly, because it not only can allow you fully enjoy the taste of the soup, also have plenty of time for digestion and absorption of food and cause satiety in advance, which can help you lose weight.


Fifth, some people like to drink soup, and they can drink several bowls of soup in a meal. However, if the type of soup id high-calorie, high salt, high-prim, you cannot drink more, especially the people suffering from gout, kidney disease and high blood pressure, they should avoid drinking the soup. In general, the most people can slowly drink a small amount of soup.

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Source: Correct Five Bad Habits of Drinking Soup
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Source: http://www.financebusinessarticles.com/business-insurance/health-insurance/correct-five-bad-habits-of-drinking-soup.html

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